| | August 20188CIOReviewmart home business growth is fuelled by consumers' demand, and affordability of smart phones, tablets and other ubiquitous devices. Convergence of mobile in-ternet with increased bandwidth availability, data com-munication cost getting cheaper, has enabled home au-tomation to provide value added solution and services to the customer through the usage of IoT. Smart home innovation helped in moving from simple automation like control of lighting, room control, blind control, audio and video control, security and entry control to entirely new spheres of home gadgets control, lever-aging IoT and apps like smart home appliance, smart TV, connected media at home and car, security, surveillance, comfort, smart meter-ing, smart washing machines, smart dish washers, HVAC, home lift, secured access control gates, doors and smart healthcare etc., IN MY OPINIONHOME AUTOMATION GETTING SMARTER ENABLED BY TECHNOLOGY CONVERGENCE By Ponmanivannan GB, Principal Technology leader, Head TSIC, L&T Technology Services LimitedA smart home automation system can be considered as a scaled down ver-sion of building Energy management sys-tem (BEMS) for smaller buildings, with limited features and functionalities. The advance of LED technologies allows for new design opportunities in the area of lighting for improving the psychological health through mood lighting which is al-ready available in flights and car. Lighting in various colours and intensities can be used to improve people's moods through various scenarios based lighting programs. Home floor cleaning robots which are autonomous like once the floor pro-file is programmed performing routine works such as cleaning or maintenance, and other tedious housekeeping activi-ties can be well managed by home service robots. Service Robots can perform task to maximise the comfort of each of its oc-cupants in the home, by learning the in-dividual preference profiles. For e.g., the coffee will be ready in the morning, with surround sound system with appropriate music played. Machine learning can help in energy consumption optimisation based on dy-namic tariffs and opti-mise the manage-ment of self-consumption, storage and SWith over 10,000 skilled professionals, 12 global delivery centers and operations in 35 locations around the world, the company offers design and development solutions throughout the entire product development chain across various industries.
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