| |July 20179CIOReviewIt is a myth that RPA will replace humans by automating 100 percent of the processes resulting in massive cost reductionsA HumBot OrganisationAs the name suggests, a "humbot" organisation is one that has a good mix of humans and bots, with both complementing one another: as software robots han-dle the more repetitive, tedious jobs in a business, em-ployees can participate in more value added activities that involve personal interaction, problem solving and decision making. Automate the part of a process that has the highest volume. Digitize or standardize data inputs before automating the process; capture all input data up front. Creation of multiple bots is a better approach to auto-mate complex processes. Employ both top-down (to create initial buzz) and bottom-up (to create ground swell) approaches for iden-tifying appropriate processes and automating them. Automate simple processes with high volumes and minimum risk followed by automation of complex processes. We currently run 1500 bots out of 17 countries in areas such as Finance, Human Resources, Payments, Trade, Mortgages, Reconciliations, Anti Money Laun-dering, Sanctions and the list goes on!A program of this scale needs a mechanism to en-sure that the bots are well mannered and are behaving the way they were designed to. A water tight govern-ance model and a standard operating procedure should be put in place to ensure that an organisation is moving in the direction intended without any reputational or financial impact.ChallengesSome of the challenges one might face while embarking on the Automation trail are technological constraints, environment, the fact that technology is susceptible to changes, people's resistance to change and high expecta-tions from robots.While people resist the change in the beginning, gradually they start to see how it works for them when they move up to quality jobs involving either analysis or judgement.Financial BenefitsDespite the obstacles, the financial benefits of deploying automation are quite amazing. From the low-hanging fruit, one can harvest a benefit of 15-20 percent. The next step is to identify the force multipliers like cognitive capabilities to take processing to the next level. I visualize a future where humans will supervise thou-sands of bots catering to millions of requests from bil-lions of connected devices - the perfect partner for ena-bling the Internet of Things.
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