| | September 20198killed workforce is one of the many crucial elements that contribute to an industry to thrive and the same cannot be denied for the growth of the renewable energy industry in the country. Lack of appropriately skilled manpower has been identified as one of the most prominent challenges in hiring required personnel in the sector. Workforce development is an essential and ongo-ing process for organizations that ensures efficiency and cultivation of a dynamic nature of workforce. But to dig deeper into the topic of workforce development we must first understand what the term `workforce' means.What is workforce? Workforce can be defined as the people engaged in or available for work, either in a coun-try, area or in a particular organization or industry. It not only includes the total number of people employed in the armed forces as well as the civilian jobs but, also the un-employed people who are seeking a paying job. Workforce development is considered to be an inter-connected set of plans and strategies that an organization internally formulates to meet employment needs. It may include the following:· Changes to culture· Changes to behavior· Changes to attitude· Changes to potential; etc.All these above mentioned factors act as a force in driving the organization towards a positive influence that enables the achievement of business' future success. Workforce is also often interlinked with employee devel-opment and is a vital pillar in business growth. Workforce development is achieved by first and fore-most, preparing workers with the specific types of skills necessary for a specific type of job. Some of the major emerging technologies that can be taken into consideration while working towards develop-ment of workforce are:1. Business IntelligenceBusiness intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting actionable information to help executives, managers and other corporate end us-SIN MY OPINIONBy Ashish Khanna, MD & CEO, Tata Power Solar and President, Tata PowerWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENTAshish Khanna
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