| |April 20198CIOReviewt is the modern age times when we often ex-change emails with people sitting in the same building, or even in the same room, when our messages pop-up instantly on their smart de-vices, when we receive alerts via push notifica-tions, and when we do not necessarily have to meet people in person to communicate as there are tools for online meetings.Now imagine Delorean time machine taking you back to a work day in 1970. No PC on your desk, no smart-phone in your pocket and no instant messaging tool to connect with colleagues. Rather, your desk is filled with snail mail, most communication takes place in person or over landlines, and all documents are hard copies.Let's face it: Had this been the reality today, we would certainly be paralyzed!After all, with the way technology has taken over the workplace as well as our personal lives, it is next to impossible to imagine working without computers, mo-biles, emails, office productivity apps, and Internet. From the introduction of digital technologies to the increas-ing trend of mobile and remote working, the way work `works' today has changed drastically over time. Gone are the days of being hooked to PC at desk, following strict 9 to 5 routines, and punching in and out, we are now accustomed to checking emails before brushing teeth in the morning, attending meetings on our commutes, and getting a number of tasks done while away from office.The modern workplace, hit by millions of young workers, is now driven by self-service requirements, which means they want the same independence at work as they have as consumers. They expect to do everything on their own easily by using a mobile device, and Gen X I By Harnath Babu, CIO, KPMG IndiaMODERN WORKFORCE TRENDS: TRANSFORMING THE WAY WE WORKIN MY OPINIONWith 16 years of core experience in directing Insurance start-ups and business process transformation, Harnath Babu is currently serving as CIO at KPMG, India and is responsible for driving Business & IT Strategy, Technology integration, Enterprise Mobility, Digital Insurance, Green IT & Cloud computing. Harnath Babu
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