| | December 20218he moving assembly line, automatic trans-mission, electronic fuel injection, and air bags - these innovations changed the au-tomotive industry. Today they are vital to offering safe, efficient, affordable, and convenient vehicles to customers. In the digital age, there is a new opportunity to drive inno-vation with capabilities that will someday be as com-monplace as the seat belt. The key to capturing this op-portunity and remaining competitive in the digital age relies on manufacturers' ability to shift their focus and investments into a new area entirely: data. How Data Is Driving Automotive Innovation While some automotive manufacturers are already em-bracing their data as the key for the future of their busi-ness, others have been slow to respond and need to seize on the opportunity their data holds to introduce new ca-pabilities in three key focus areas: autonomous driving, connected cars, and smart manufacturing. Autonomous Driving The most high-profile way data is shaping automotive innovation is through the automation of the driving experience. Many manufacturers have incorporated ad-vanced driver-assistance systems into their vehicles to give customers a more convenient and safe experience. Ranging from automatic lane control and braking to (soon) full-fledged autonomy, the ability to develop, test, and continually improve these capabilities will be a major differentiator. With any new technology, research is vitally im-portant. This is especially true in the automotive world, as products that are produced must provide passenger safety. Developing semi- and fully-autonomous ve-hicle capabilities requires auto manufacturers to de-ploy dozens or even hundreds of test vehicles with sophisticated sensors. A major focus area for automakers is crash avoidance. For instance, if an autonomous test vehicle's cameras or radar record a potentially hazardous situation involving 3 FOCUS AREAS FOR AN AUTONOMOUS DRIVING REVOLUTION By Varun Chhabra, Vice President, Product Marketing ­ Cloud, Dell TechnologiesTIN MY OPINION
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