| |October 201719CIOReviewHOW IOT CAN IMPROVE INDIA'S AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION &FOOD SECURITY By Rishi Mohan Bhatnagar, President, Aeris Communications CXO INSIGHTSy 2050, the world's population is set to be a third larger than it is today, reaching 9.7 billion people, the United Nations World Population Prospects report suggests. To meet this growth and properly feed the growing population, global food production must increase by a whopping 70 percent. India too needs to step up its food production and processing practices to meet its own demand and for export needs. Part of the answer to the problem of how food producers become "smarter, leaner and faster" could lie in new technology, and particularly IoT. IoT monitoring technology is already helping producers to meet very strict import regulations. The need of the hour is to expand use cases and build B
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