| | October 20178CIOReview IN MY OPINIONe have all been given to think that IoT or Internet of Things is all about ma-chines or devices which are com-municating with each other over Internet. However, IoT is far big-ger than just communication. It is the use of instrumentation tech-nology in combination with pre-dictive abilities at device level and then throwing back the infor-mation for further analysis and taking next level of decisions, which makes IoT one of the biggest game changers in today's age. The words from author William Gibson: "The fu-ture is already here ­ It's just not evenly distribut-ed", seem to hold true for this particular point in time for IoT technology. There are numerous industries which have started adopting IoT for optimizing their costs and ex-tending to newer opportunities. However, there are few leaders in these industries who have actually taken the step, but the use case is so strong that the others will soon follow suite as predicted by most research firms.Across industries the opportu-nities to leverage IoT are vast and WIoT - Internet of Things Much more than interconnected devicesBy Sunil Kumar, CTO, Mynd Online National ExchangeSunil Kumar
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