| | MAY 20218ll the businesses are thinking about digital transformation. Almost every business has covered some distance on this journey. However, not all journeys are pleasant or successful. So, digitally determined are those organizations who have been successful in formulating a strategy and digitally distraught are those who are struggling with the change. A digitally distraught business or organization is one that is caught in indecision about which business processes should be transformed or may be involved in continuous cost-cutting measures to regroup from legacy investments. Choosing the right partners for digitally distraught businesses is also very difficult and hence they often lose track of the right business decision.On the other hand, digitally determined businesses are those that have the bigger picture in mind and plan a roadmap towards advanced changes with a view of the entire business. They understand that this transformation is not a destination, rather an ongoing journey. Digitally determined businesses understand that there will be hurdles in the journey, and yet are resolute to overcome those hurdles while still rolling the ball forward at a fast pace.Digital transformation at the project level is a recipe of a disaster. Digital transformation in silos can never be successful, there must be a holistic approach that would put the company culture first. In the future, there will be two types of companies, digital and non-digital. According to IDC, 46 percent of organizations worldwide are "digitally determined," and have the right digital transformation strategy and processes for their organization. The other 54 percent of organizations are "digitally distraught," which is in danger of being left behind in the digital economy. These organizations may want to undergo a digital transformation, but they haven't changed their culture yet and each functional area or line of the business tends to have its own approach.Digitally distraught organizations often struggle to demonstrate that digital transformation is good for the company on the whole because they're working at a project level, so they only demonstrate ROI project by project rather than see a cumulative effect. The digitally distraught are either running digital as an impromptu effort; running multiple digital strategies initiated by the line of business or operating with a short-term perspective. Hence, these organizations become distraught. Without unified efforts or high expectations of short-term ROI, it is very difficult to bring about a major transformation.Today, the onus of taking technology decisions does not fall on CIOs only. True transformation will start when all organizational functions like HR, Marketing, Sales, Finance, etc., come together and to become the core of the business instead of operating in a silo. That requires organizations to operate on connected data that is secure and one that is driven by connected intelligence. Connected data means all business functions are operating as one, eliminating siloed operations and connected intelligence means business functions being able to influence decision making and SUCCESSFUL DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION ­ FACTORS INVOLVEDBy Kaushik Mitra, Senior Director, Cloud ERPFor 24+ years, with his excellent experience in creation and management of businesses in the IT industry, he is focused for achievement in highly competitive environments with revenue generation and market share growth.AIN MY OPINIONKaushik Mitra, Senior Director
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