| | July 20188CIOReviewn 2001, XLRI, one of India's premier B-schools tried to move its admission test, XAT, for about 40000 students (back then) online. The move was not a success for various rea-sons and XLRI reverted to the paper & pencil mode for its test. In 2014, 92 lakh aspirants took the online Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) test which ran smoothly without any hassles.Within just over a decade, the online-testing success story of India went from an also ran to being the world's biggest. Technology, the biggest enabler these days in almost everything is playing a huge role in the testing arena too. Let us understand in brief the history of on-line-testing (in India and abroad) and its way forward as we see today.Before that, let us look at the advantages of online-tests over the regular paper & pencil mode:a) Quick turnaround for results ­ Instantaneous if neededb) Tests to suit the taker: Different tests at the same dif-ficulty level for different people at the same time. Simi-larly, different tests calibrated at different difficulty levels can be administered based on the expected/suitable skill level of the takers. Adaptive tests, which show appropri-ate questions based on the accuracy of response to the previous question/test, are also available.c) For the test taker, extremely rich performance analy-sis can be made available ­ question-wise performance, time spent analysis, accuracy reports, question-selection judgement reports etc. While this may be needed for IN MY OPINIONONLINE TESTING- INDIA IS LEADING THE WORLD AFTER DECADES OF PLAYING CATCH-UP!!By Manek Daruvala, Founder and Director, Triumphant Institute of Management EducationTriumphant Institute of Management Education Pvt. Ltd. (T.I.M.E.) is India's leading test-prep institute with a pan-India presence and is headquartered in Hyderabad. Established in 1992, T.I.M.E. presently operates out of 251 offices located in 118 towns and cities across the country.IManek Daruvala
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