| |October 20199The business layer containing business process knowledge through business Analyst, marketers, etc. demands significantly higher participation from MSP bringing global/external learningel service architecture and participa-tion mix diagram below:The decision or management lay-er sees a higher participation from the MSP now. The business layer containing business process knowl-edge through business Analyst, mar-keters, etc. demands significantly higher participation from MSP bringing global/external learning. Engineering layer contains technol-ogy expertise. The Service Building Blocks (SBB) are expertise areas in-cluding people, process and tools. A couple of SBBs get linked to fulfil a client need. With technology layer and SBBs have completely changed with technology. The infrastructure layer continues to be almost com-pletely managed by the MSPs.The expectations from all layers have changed primarily due to lack of precedence in use of technology, and in-house experience in carrying out business process changes lev-eraging these digital technologies. Some expectation changes are:1. The MSPs are expect-ed to be the business advi-sors and proactive partners in transformation related decision-making. In an en-vironment of uncertainty the client CxOs need trust-ed advisors with knowl-edge and experience from across the geographies and industries. 2. MSP is expected to bring the business process enhancement learning from across the globe and industries to help identify different possible ways a business process can be changed or made more effective and efficient, to evaluate options and then to convert the business process decision into technical change. 3. The expectation from the En-gineering layer is the ready avail-ability of the skilled staff, processes, and tools that provide speed and agility needed to lead the disrup-tion. SBBs should have cross-skilled people who are kept trained on current technologies. 4. Most of the infrastructure has moved to cloud. Apart from system and application migration and sup-port on cloud, the biggest expecta-tion is the cyber security.In the time of digital disruption, with the key driver being speed, agil-ity and innovation, here are a few changes that may make the differ-ence between success and failure of an MSP:1. Engage with your end cus-tomer and understand their chang-ing preferences and expectations. The digital technologies continues to impact the customer behaviour. Develop culture, mind-set, process and systems that keeps you aware of these behavioural changes. 2. The need to have lo-cal and remote presence will continue. Operate the service in such a way that remote and local/offshore team can effectively work together. 3. For the SBBs, keep hiring the best talent both in technology and busi-ness areas. Develop a virtual/online talent network.4. Focus on predictability, reus-ability and repeatability. Boost the productivity with the built in analyt-ics and ML. Continuously measure, report/share and improve.5. The B2B clients expect to be treated same as B2C clients. Expect the rapid decision-making, and less beurocracy from B2B clients and provide the best possible CX to them as you would to B2C. 6. Cyber security and regulatory compliance are prime needs. Service offering should align and comply with this need. 7. Use the technologies that you would advocate to the clients to cre-ate an effective and efficient man-aged service delivery environment. 8. Create an AI based, automated and real time dashboard, that's the single source of truth within the or-ganization and with the client. 9. Be Proactive. Don't just act when things go wrong. Proactively identify challenges and fix them in time. 10. Automate, automate, and automate. Digital disruption has opened new avenue for MSP. They can transform themselves to cater to new expectations or slowly but surely fade away. Arun Kumar Singh
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