| |August 20166CIOReviewCEO INSIGHTSCXO INSIGHTSCOMPANY OF THE MONTH2031451423283440Impacts of Digitally Driven PurchasesManaging Software Projects in Product Companies vs Services CompaniesKeys to Ensure BPM SuccessHigher Education in the Cloud - Transformation in MotionUpgrading Financial Services withan Effective SDLCFuture of "Big Data" and Working-OpportunitiesHarvest Innovation from Omni-Direction Technology UpgradationImproving Communication Skills or Building Adaptation in Fellow Colleagues- The Priority of a CIOCharulata Ravi Kumar, CEO, RazorfishNitin Deshpande, President, India Operations, Valence HealthVirender Jeet, Senior Vice President ­ Technology, Newgen Software Inc. Dr. Ashish Bharadwaj, CIO, Laureate Education IndiaNafees Ahmed, CIO, IndiabullsRavindra Deshpande, Head-IT, Universal Sompo General Insurance Co. Ltd.Sanjeev Kumar, CIO, ApON IndiaPavan Kumar Malladi, CIO & Director-IT, Dhiraagu203150451423283440CIO INSIGHTS50 Internet of Things: Why a Reliable Network MattersArun Kundu, Director, Professional Services, Asia Pacific & Global Strategy, Verizon Enterprise SolutionsCONTENTS
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