| |March 20198CIOReviewI is a very recent field in the history of science and human civilization.Typically, only about sixty years old, it started with a very simple but fun-damental quest: can machines think? Though this was pondered over by many leading scientists, it was Alan Turing who postulated practical theories on programmable and `intelligent' machines. It was in the year 1956, a group of pioneering computer sci-entists including Marvin Minsky and John McCarthy started this field. In fact, it was John McCarthy, founder Stanford AI lab, coined the very term "artificial intelligence", a stepping stone for the field - build machines that think.As the first attempt, scientists drew inspi-ration from and started building machines that resemble and replicate to an ex-tent, human thinking. The idea of human intelligence, include the ability to reason, see, hear, speak, move around and make decisions among others.AI stemmed from a core and foundational dream many years ago ­ the thinking ma-chines. Since inception, it proliferated into multiple subfields such as robotics, computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition to name few. Then a very important development happened around the 80s and 90s - a sister field called Machine Learning started to blossom; a field that combined sta-tistics and mathematics with computer science to ad-vance the era of `intelligent machines', bringing us closer to AI. Fast forward to 21st century, deep learning with its deep roots into neurosciences, taking cues from human brain functionality, the neural networks have surpassed accuracies of earlier machine learning algorithms becoming the de-facto for many applications.Also thanks to past decade, that wit-nessed three critical factors contributing to exponential advancement to the field AI. Availability and access to huge amounts of data (contributed by the bigdata pow-ered by crowdsourcing), high com-pute hardware (GPUs, cheaper cloud computing) and ad-vances in commercial and academic research (Deep Learning papers).Convergence of these factors brought us the AI boom that we witness to-day and many organiza-tions are investing heavily in this and related areas. Most of the efforts started in the early 2000s by companies that invested in AI related work, now see results from research moving into products. Smart-AA SNEAK VIEW AT : ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, MACHINE LEARNING AND DEEP LEARNING By Murale Narayanan, Director - Global Competency, DELL EMC IN MY OPINIONMurale Narayanan
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