| | July 20188CIOReviewith the widespread adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM), the construction indus-try is experiencing a fundamen-tal shift in how we produce, share, and manage information. A rapidly growing demand for Virtual Design and Con-struction (VDC) applications illustrates that shift and is fueling opportunities for the industry. As technology--and BIM in particular--drives innovation, the construc-tion industry is perfectly poised to leverage opportunities to attract and retain top millennial talent. It is up to in-dustry leaders to promote that growth and cast the vision for how a passion to explore and discover can translate to a fulfilling construction career.The shift currently taking place in the construction industry is much like the shift that has occurred previ-ously in many other industries. Recreating the physical world within a virtual space allows users to control the elements of time and reality, and in turn, maximize the use of information to increase productivity, quality, and communication among team members. BIM is the cata-lyst driving the construction industry to make this shift from the physical world to the virtual space. With this transformation comes opportunity and excitement for young employees and a powerful ability for project teams to make better, more timely decisions that result in great-er accuracy, efficiency, quality, and safety.As technology becomes increasingly essential to con-struction projects, new applications of BIM are giving rise to the use of new tools in construction, such as la-ser scanning, virtual/augmented reality, 4D scheduling, unmanned aerial systems, and robotics. With this rising demand for technology and ever-expanding set of tools WHOW TECHNOLOGY IS FUELING MILLENNIAL INTEREST IN CONSTRUCTION CAREERSIN MY OPINIONBy Russ Gibbs, Regional Director of VDC, Brasfield & Gorrie
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