| | December 20176CIOReviewFeatured Solution Providers:IN MY OPINIONLAST WORD463rd Eye Informatics18AOPL20Complete Track23ibTrack24Infotek Software and Systems (i-TEK)28PerfectID30Quinta34Technor Solutions40Solution Providers - 201720 Most PromisingTECHNOLOGYRFIDTURNKEY INNOVATIONS IN THE INDIAN RFID IMPLEMENTATIONSCONTENTSCOVER STORY1008CI KIM, CEOIs IoT required for transformation of Digital IndiaAnoop Mittal, Associate Vice President IT, Bajaj Capital LtdCXO INSIGHTSHow IoT isDriving Transformation across IndustryRitu Khanna, Manager Marketing , Quantm Ltd21The Digital Foundation of the Future-AI and the Reasons behind its PopularityAjay Shrivastava, CTO, Knowlarity CommunicationsATID
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