| |July 20193| TC11-02E |Machine control for Industrie 4.0 with TwinCAT www.beckhoff.co.in/Industrie40Beckhoff provides the ideal foundational technologies for Industrie 4.0 and Internet of Things (IoT) applications via standard PC-based control. With the TwinCAT engineering and control software, machine control systems can be extended to support big data applications, cloud communication, predictive maintenance, as well as comprehensive analytical functions to increase production effi ciency. As a system-integrated solution, TwinCAT IoT supports standardised protocols for cloud communication and enables the easy integration of cloud services right from the machine engineering stage. In addition to fault analysis and predictive maintenance, TwinCAT Analytics offers numerous opportunities to optimise machines and systems in terms of energy consumption and process sequences.Beckhoff Automation Pvt. Ltd.Pune ­ 411 001, India Phone: +91 (20) 6706 4800info@beckhoff.co.in
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