| | October 20208IN MY OPINIONffording assistance and distress man-agement service globally, India As-sist started with travel and tourism, which now has expanded to eldercare domain.Alexa - What is the Temperature outside?Siri ­ Please play Hakuna Matata for me.Artificial intelligence is im-mensely intertwined with our lives today. The imagination of our lives without an Android or Apple Smart-phone, and technology including laptops is impossible today. As days pass, we become more and more de-pendent on the gifts that Artificial Intelligence has to offer us.What is Artificial intelligence? AI is the blend of machine learning, natural language processing, and cognitive computing. The aim of producing artificial intelligence was touse sophisticated machine learn-ing and natural language processing algorithms to mechanise cognitive functioning in order to assist the human species in accessing greater platforms and heights.Humans are smart, but the problem with us is scalability. As humans, we are bound by limita-tions of morality and productive functioning rate, which has to ac-cepted and respected. This is where AARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ­ A BOON OR BANE?By MoqierishTak, Co-Founder, India Assist
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