| |February 202019Dyamanagouda Patil, an Engineer involved since the beginning of MyApp opines "successful organizations always have a strong customer bonding and well-synchronized teams. These can be accomplished using MyApp. It is capable of providing A to Z solutions under one umbrella. Bottom line is MyApp is the place where the buck stops."Sudheesh Venkatesh, Chief People Officer at Azim Premji Foundation and Advisor is a highly accomplished individual and follows the responsibility of attracting great talent and developing people's capability at the Azim Premji Foundation. In conjunction with this, he is the Regional President, South of the National HRD Network (2019-21) and serves on its National Board. He co-edited the NHRD journal on 'Education, Employability and Employment' and is often invited to speak on education and people matters.locating the appropriate solutions and technologies that possess the ability to optimize business processes, minimize cost and reduce time can prove to be an arduous task. MSMEs are on the lookout for end-to-end solution providers. Having carved a niche for itself in the MSME sector is Samatha Digital Solutions, founded in 2016. The company offers solutions to multiple MSME pain-points under a single App eco-system, MyApp. "The breadth and depth of the pain-points solved, all in the same eco-system is our Unique Value Proposition. Competitors do offer several SaaS solutions, but they are all fragmented to IN THE LIFECYCLE OF SHORT-LIVED PROJECTS OR EVENTS, SEPARATE DIGITAL SPACE FOR COLLABORATION ELIMINATES CHAOS AND BRINGS CLARITY TO THE PROCESS AND ALL STAKEHOLDERSSaaSSTARTUPS - 202020 MOST PROMISING
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