| | February 2020810222427292020 to be a Trendsetting Year for the SaaS industry Abhilash Garg, VP - Technology, DMI Finance Private LimitedTerugu Venkat, Founder & CEOWovV TechnologiesCiphercodeAI-as-a-Service, Big Data, RPA to transform GRC within enterprisesAnil D'Souza, Founder and CEO, Simpliance Technologies3 Focus Areas for an Autonomous Driving Revolution Varun Chhabra, Vice President, Product Marketing ­ Cloud, Dell TechnologiesCONTRIBUTORSIN MY OPINIONCOMPANY SPOTLIGHTEDITOR'S CHOICE COVER STORYPG 12 E-COMMERCE COMPANIES FOR ASSURED BUSINESS GROWTHHANDHOLDING E-COMMERCE COMPANIES SAMATHA DIGITAL SOLUTIONSANKIT AGARWAL, CO-FOUNDER AND CEOSPICEGEMS CXO INSIGHTS
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