| |September 20194EditorialSoftware development industry is undergoing a transforma-tion owing to the advent of new development methodolo-gies like Agile and DevOps. This has compelled the Quality Assurance professionals to be on their toes and rapidly adapt to the new advancements in the software testing industry. Organi-zations are increasingly embracing Agile as a response to rapidly changing requirements and DevOps as a solution for the demand for speed. DevOps is increasingly becoming a widely accepted so-lution for organizations which are looking at ways to shorten the software lifecycles from development to delivery and operation. This adoption has gained momentum over the past five years and seems to continue to intensify in the coming years too. Although quality assurance has been the approach of choice in the software testing world, it is now an increasingly complex field that encompasses a wide variety of skills and technology. From test automation and DevOps to pipeline integration and the need to embed quality from the outset of every develop-ment project, QA has evolved well beyond its initial scope. Since Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery are the corner-stones of DevOps success, both software development and test-ing have evolved to enable the continuous deployment pipeline. As organizations scale up, the challenges for quality teams have only grown more complex. The competitive digital landscape demands high-quality customer experiences and faster, high-quality, cost-optimal releases. Hence, there is a need for test automation to cover more ground now and faster. To gain this crucial quality and speed balance, enterprises must ride the new wave in test automation enabled by Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. In this issue, CIOReviewIndia brings to you a list of 20 Most Promising Software Testing Solution Providers who have proved their mettle in this domain with their innovative approach. These companies pride themselves on keeping abreast of the latest technological advancements in this domain and leveraging them to their full potential. We hope this issue gives you a clear view of this market landscape. Sudhakar SinghEditorsudhakar@cioreviewindia.comSoftware Testing Becomes Multifarious VOL 7 · ISSUE 9 - 2 · SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 PublisherOffice Editorial queries editor@cioreviewindia.com To subscribeVisit www.cioreviewindia.com/magazine/or send email to: subscription@cioreviewindia.comCover price is Rs 150 per issueAshok KumarVirupakshi PattarAlok ChaturvediGroup Art DirectorVP - Sales & MarketingMagendran PerumalCirculation ManagerEditorial TeamCIOReviewIndia No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugheshpalya, Bangalore-560017Veena R PiddannavarVimalraj Mohan KrishnaEditorSudhakar SinghVisualizersAdvertising queriessales@cioreviewindia.comBangaloreTel 080 46441103Sales & MarketingMadan D SAmrit SinghRavi Kalgi Rohit RaghubanshiNagendra KumarPrinted and published by Alok Chaturvedi on Behalf of Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd and Printed at Precision Fototype Services at Sri Sabari Shopping Complex, 24 Residency Road Bangalore-560025 and Published at No. 124, 2nd Floor, Surya Chambers, Old Airport Road, Murugeshpalya, Bangalore-560017. Copyright © 2019 Bizprint Media Technologies Pvt Ltd, All rights reserved. Re-production in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher.Emmanuel Christi DasJanifha EvangelineLakshmi GSamrat PradhanTeja BoncheruvuSuchita GonsalvesVinisha PaivaNoidaTel 120 4639300
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