| |December 20189CIOReviewWith the rise of new innovative technologies, like autonomous cloud, there has never been more opportunity for progressive business leaders to take controlbe focused on tasks that provide higher value to the business: inno-vation, through the creation of new applications and better ways to serve customers, employees and partners. An autonomous cloud is under-pinned by three basic concepts-- that it is self-driving, self-securing and self-repairing. Through self-driving, the service automatically backs itself up, fixes issues on its own, recovers quickly, and automati-cally tunes itself, all while the service is up and running. This improves ef-ficiency, reduces cost and eliminates human labor and human error. Being self-securing, the system automatically applies patches with no downtime helping protect itself from malicious external attacks. Ac-cording to Forbes, 85 percent of breaches exploited system vulnera-bilities where a patch had been avail-able for 12 months.Finally, imagine your organiza-tion's main server fails. Most of-ten, under these circumstances the chances of recovering your data are minimal. For organizations that have implemented autonomous cloud ser-vices, thanks to its third aspect - self-repairing, they are provided with au-tomated protection from all planned and unplanned downtime, so even if a server goes down because of some disaster, the service will backup and recovery without any disruption to the end user.Delivering new capabilities through autonomous For many organizations, these new autonomous capabilities can't come soon enough. Internally, most organizations are facing huge challenges with man-aging legacy, complex IT platforms where 80 percent of their resources are spent running `business as usual' activities. They are being tested by the current explosion of data and rising cyber attacks and data breaches--both of which are spiraling out of control and becoming harder to manage. Addition-ally, many face new competition from new startups that now have the ability to continuously innovate and scale their busi-nesses into exciting ventures thanks to the global cloud capabilities on offer from traditional cloud services. This means there's barely any time left to innovate and modernise. Fortunately, with the rise of new innovative technologies, like auton-omous cloud, there has never been more opportunity for progressive business leaders to take control. By standing on the shoulders of others and leveraging autonomous cloud services, IT organisations and hence businesses can deliver new capabili-ties and more business value much faster than they would have ever dreamed possible before. The benefits aren't only for large enterprises ­ autonomous services also offer a blessing for small busi-nesses. Being big and fast does not mean much in this digital age; it is all about being smart, agile and able to move in the right direction. This is precisely what autonomous cloud does to enable modern day organiza-tions. With autonomous, businesses without their own database admin-istrators or hardware will suddenly gain access to new technologies like data warehousing solutions for the very first time enabling them to bet-ter compete.A new category with immense po-tentialFor those that reach out and grasp the opportunity, there is huge po-tential. By the end of 2018, Gartner forecasts that global business value derived from artificial intel-ligence will total USD 1.2 trillion, an increase of 70 percent from 2017 ­ a figure that is anticipated to grow to USD 3.9 tril-lion in 2022. In the area of decision automation there is also significant ac-celeration expected ­ current-ly it accounts for just 2 percent of the global AI-derived business value in 2018, but it will grow to 16 per-cent by 2022. That is why we expect that more than 50 percent of all enterprise data will be managed autonomously in the cloud by 2020 and 90 percent of all enterprise applications to include a customer AI-based capability. This is a completely new catego-ry of IT, and we are just at the start of the journey but it won't be long before autonomous cloud services bring simplicity, self-service with integrated security into all areas of the business, providing new fuel for innovation. Are you ready to capi-talize on the advantages brought by the next generation of computing: `Autonomous Cloud'?
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