| |AUGUST 20189CIOReviewthere are specific interesting facts: - you don't invest when the Pay-offs in this game is zero, and when there are fewer entrants, individual payoffs are distributed between en-trants. When fewer spend in the mar-ket, there is a minimal realization, but when there are more players the realization increases. Today Information Technology plays a vital role in Globalization of RMG industries, traditionally enter-prises have embraced technology only to the tune of data storing and docu-mentation objective shadowing un-der the Finance function. It is evident that the IT department has evolved from an EDP/MIS tag to business enabler for other industries, RMG manufacturing sectors IT evolvement has been slower than other industry verticals as it has always been under the Shadow of finance function di-rections and all IT investments has been mostly towards documentation, inventory management, workforce payroll and accounting software. Reorganizing the IT organization according to competencies will help to deliver as per the demand of the business requirements and skills and subject matter expertise which are core competencies must be retained, rest should be outsourced or moved to services specialists or cloud. With-drawing those services which are not the IT organizations core strengths should not be an emotional call for those who derived their sustenance because a few of us want to legalize the competitive edge for retaining that expertise, this is where you can reduce costs, dependency on individ-uals, and constant training and edu-cation requirement for workforces for those calibers. Communication can help in busi-ness relationship equilibrium; the coordination between IT and busi-ness can be self-forcing agreements because it is in the interest of all the investing players. Leadership may help in the coordination games when other business functions become partners in the success of running IT organization. Strategic Repositioning of IT is required in any organization, and it is not specific only to the RMG indus-try, as this is a core factor for having a turnaround Strategy for the depart-ment. Define a business value propo-sition with proper vision and mis-sion statement to engage with all the stakeholders who are critical initiators for IT investments. Depending on the stakeholders introduce changes in the Business engagement Models, define a value chain as above. What can help you is a flexible IT service portfolio extended from time to time embodied in the IT Strategy Map for short-term and long-term gains. The control mechanism of IT or-ganization are the policies, audits and risk analysis from time to time. The corporatization of IT services dis-cussed before thru a Centre of Excel-lence will take care of supply part of an organization.There is no fixed strategy, but there is a way forward thought pro-cess in every organization, and how you take these steps must be docu-mented and practiced. Technology strategies needs to be flexible and the owner needs to be careful in taking steps, they should reassess every de-cision and revisit it more frequently to do an impact assessment. What is there now? What changes it has brought? Do I get what I planned for? Do I really get all now or it was better before? Quite tricky questions to ask but then technology strategy has to reposition itself as per the overall or-ganizational mission as it changes in response to shifting dynamics of the business. In RMG industry it is always shifting in the form of cost competi-tiveness, presence and supply chain performance, hence IT must align to the change. Domain Core Committee Capex Committee Risk & Audit Committee Strategy Decision Mechanism Leadership Team Approve IT Investments Monitoring IT Assets and alignment to Policies Direction for IT Input Decisions Group CIO & Leadership Team IT Business Partner Global IT Infra Head Group COE Global IT Infra Head CIO/CTO Decision Board of Directors Board of Directors Group CIO Board of Directors Decision Communication Monthly Report Approval Document Yearly Audit Report Strategy Document Decision of enforcements Achievements against Plan Implementations Management Comments Memorandum Document Exceptions Handling Weekly Review Gap Analysis against investment Plan Risks definition re-alignment Business Plan
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