| |December 20199There exist a number of ways that electronic communication can generate potential problems in the workplace similar to most technological advancements however in this case, the positives out-weigh the negativesgrowth of an organization, collabora-tion brings several important aspects to the table which includes:· Effective Brainstorming· Collective Participation· Providing ValueBrainstorming leads to numerous perspectives to provide solutions, a strong sense of purpose is generated while adding value when working towards a common goal. A collective participation offers equal opportuni-ties for employees to participate and communicate their ideas. While there might exist few limitations to this form of collaboration, the benefits overpower the limitations even when put together. Inculcation of collaborative elec-tronic communication in workplaces has significantly proven to be benefi-cial due to its features:Self-Analysis:Collaboration allows individuals to think out of the box, which brings to-gether different specialists and depart-ments, helping employees with new ways to approach the organisation's goal. A more sustainable relation-ship is obtained between customer and organisation in an ever-chang-ing environment and boosts the organisation's growth.Employee Skill Development:Employees and organisations benefit mutually while working together. An interaction between the employees generates newer ideas and a better un-derstanding among the team members which allow them to work, think, ne-gotiate and operate in harmony. Skills are often picked up by colleagues and built upon their strength.Ability to Solve Problems:A vast and varied talent pool is cre-ated when employees work together collectively as a team than working on individual projects. The talent pool collaborates the experiences of the team members while elevating the team's probability to solve a problem. There has been a significant increase in virtual collaboration by organisations which minimises or eliminates the need for finances and infrastructure. Businesses are now thriving with the help of virtual collaboration being able to gain better market reach. The Bigger Picture:Collaboration allows individuals from several backgrounds to work togeth-er, which leverages the differences and recognises a way to complement one another. When a project does not shape up in a particular manner, a view at the bigger picture prevents a team from falling apart while giv-ing additional probabilities to prove their mettle. Outcomes:A scope of learning from one anoth-er exists when teams collaborate. An organization becomes a source that encourages continuous learning and supports learning through opportuni-ties for successive growth and devel-opment. Collaboration of team mem-bers enhances their capacity to go and grow beyond their comfort zones.Information and communication technology offers business communi-cations ways necessary to remain com-petitive in local and global economies. There has been a significant increase in progressive companies opting for collaboration in order to substitute the same within their teams. The col-laborative work environment has a high success rate as the employees feel a strong bond towards the organisa-tion which in turn results in a win-win situation for both the organisation as well as the employees.Electronic communication has been replacing the hassles that exist while coordinating face-to-face meet-ings while aggregating productivity and providing easier ways to com-municate. There exist a number of ways that electronic communication can generate potential problems in the workplace similar to most tech-nological advancements however in this case, the positives out-weigh the negatives.Pramod Sharda, CEO - IceWarp India & Middle East
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