For better services, SCR, ISB team up on AI, data analytics

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 13 November 2020, 04:29 IST

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 For better services, SCR, ISB team up on AI, data analytics

To establish a centre of excellence on data analytics and artificial intelligence to collect insights for providing better services, the South Central Railway zone and the Indian School of Business have signed a pact. 


In the virtual presence of Vinod Kumar Yadav, who is the current Railway Board chairman, the railway zone’s general manager Gajanan Mallya gave the letter of agreement to Milind Sohoni, ISB deputy dean of SCR’s headquarters. 

Yadav said “Establishing the centre is a very important step forward in transforming the Indian Railways, which has already digitised most of its systems such as passenger reservations, freight operations, material management, stores procurement and human resources development.”

“It is essential that all the data gathered are analysed for the betterment of customer services and for provision of better services to both passengers and freight customers,” he added.

“These new technologies have become vital tools to make the organisation more effective by optimal utilisation of its resources to meet both customer and organisational goals,” he said.