CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 26 November 2020, 04:22 IST
Indian tech start-ups are now witnessing a gradual road to recovery as India continues to take rapid strides towards digitization across sectors. Titled INDIAN TECH START-UPS - On the Road to Recovery, NASSCOM today launched the findings of the Start-up Pulse survey II.
Nasscom, trying to understand what the current perspectives are, what has changed and what the next 6 months look like for the tech start-up ecosystem in the country, revisited its first tech start- up pulse survey which was conducted back in April – May this year.
As per the research findings, “Compared to 8 percent in the earlier survey, revenue acceleration and funding has improved the cash availability with start-ups, wherein 43 percent of tech start-ups have a runway for more than 6 months.”
Sharing her thoughts, Debjani Ghosh, President, NASSCOM, said, “The Indian start-up ecosystem has set a global benchmark and remained resilient during this disruptive year. Setting an example for many other industries across the globe to follow and learn from how Indian start-ups converted challenges into opportunities. A Large tech start-ups pool, strong innovation focus and entrepreneur’s zeal have been the growth drivers of this ecosystem. We are pleased with the way the ecosystem has been supportive of each other during these difficult times and hope that the industry remains its robust zeal to further contribute to reviving the economy.
Furthermore, it also reports that about 72 percent of tech start-ups are enhancing their product offerings and investing in deep tech solutions that enable automation, while 60-70 percent of tech start-ups are relooking at their business models.
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