Top 7 Important Time Management Skills for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Samrat Pradhan (Correspondent) | Thursday, 29 October 2020, 08:11 IST

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effective time mamagement

In achieving your short-term and long-term goals, time management is all about making effective use of time to carry out things seamlessly and effectively. Hence, a person can never be an entrepreneur if he/she does not know how to make the effective use of time. Entrepreneurs who live their lives by managing their time effectively have higher possibilities of achieving better success.


Carl Sandburg, who is a Pulitzer Price-winning poet and author has rightly quoted about the importance of time by stating, "Time is the most valuable coin in your life. You and you alone will determne how that coin will be spent. Be careful that you dont let other people spend it for you." 


Here are top 7 Important Time Management Skills for an Aspiring Entrepreneur:

Scheduling Each Day of the Week

One good habit to get tuned with tasks is to make a plan for the coming week; a detailed plan for each day from morning through night.  Practices such as writing a whole plan in a small diary or utilizing a time management app on a smartphone, will significantly help in making oneself better and better. When one plans ahead, he/she can frame an estimated time for each activity, so as to finish the task in the allotted time.

Getting up early

Waking up early in the morning always makes our mind and body balanced. So, proper eight hours of sound sleep is enough to rejuvenate the energy, wherein, one can start early so as to complete every task without any fatigue in respect to both body and mind. Scheduling a plan for the day and then starting it accordingly and following the plan that one has set. 

Multi-Tasking Capabilities

If one aspires to be a successful entrepreneur, one needs to understand the criticality of saving time and making the most effective use of it. One should develop a habit of multitasking by getting into multiple tasking. What this does is, one will have more time to carry out other tasks of the day as well. 

Never Procrastinate 

Many people are in the habit of procrastinating their works hence making time management plans go haywire. So if one faces a task that is not on their interest’s list, they might turn a blind eye towards it. Hence, not postponing the duty, but rather try to finish it as early as possible will be significantly beneficial for aspiring entrepreneurs. While, if one finds it really hard to do, they can simply break the task into smaller tasks and finish them one by one.

Taking Breaks In-Between

Everyone needs a certain amount of break from their hectic schedule. Thus, making sure to take breaks at regular intervals between tasks will let you refresh yourself. Also, once the day ends, one should make sure to provide the body and mind with a good rest period  so as to start fresh for the next day’s schedule.

Be Prepared for Distractions

Mind should always be ready to know what to do to fulfill all tasks in the allocated time. For instance, Phone calls, unexpected guests, etc can disturb ar schedule. What one can do is, they can allot time for each task accordingly, and also assign buffer time as well.  So to complete unfulfilled tasks of a particular day, one needs to make a plan to accomplish by the next day. Hence, if one is doing some tasks, he/she should always stay away from all kinds of distractions such as phone calls and social media networking sites.

Prioritizing Activities

Prioritizing tasks and making a schedule by differentiating between tasks that are highly important, moderately important and less important. This will help in accomplishing several tasks that have been pre-planned for the week.