4 Reasons to become Chartered Accountants By CIOReviewindia Team

4 Reasons to become Chartered Accountants

CIOReviewindia Team | Tuesday, 02 July 2019, 09:27 IST

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4 Reasons to become Chartered Accountants

Multiple options for Career Progression

Chartered Accountant professionals have a lot of career options to their disposal. CAs can opt for a career in audit and assurance. This field is for those who are good at analytics. Another very promising career is to enter the Corporate Finance. As a Chartered Accountant, you would get to see and learn how big corporates operate. Another option could be freelancing. Right from an average businessman to the richest everyone needs guidance on finances.

Consistent and Growing Field

We are witnessing another industrial revolution. Technology has changed our lives and will impact us even more in the coming future. The new fields are emerging and the type of jobs are also changing. Traditional jobs will not exist anymore but there will always be work for a Chartered Accountant. There used to be work for them 50 years back and there will be work 50 years later. This field is here to stay and to grow. The taxation, assurance, auditing, accountancy, consulting and many more. There is so much Chartered Accountants can do.

High Cashflow

It takes a lot of effort, hard work, determination to become a Chartered Accountant. But once you get the degree then there is no looking back. The Chartered Accountants are consistently one of the most highly paid professionals in the world. The perks of the job are many. The demand for professionals in the market is always higher than the number of professionals available. This increases the demands of the CA professionals and they tend to get paid high as well.

Contribute to Society

Chartered Accountants can contribute so much to society. The chartered accountants can contribute to identifying frauds as they are the people who know best about the loopholes in the system. CAs should help clients, customers or employers in becoming tax compliant rather than helping them evade taxes. CAs can also help spread financial awareness among the common man. The more people become aware of the better they will invest their money. Students who want to become CA can very easily find out the details of the CA course but that is not enough, one needs to be determined to crack the exams.