cioreviewindia Team | Monday, 22 March 2021, 13:25 IST
Numerous types of crypto currencies have proved to be the most profitable when invested. When it comes to the attainment of sky-reaching profits we think that you will be ready to invest some of your time first in reading the article below. The list that follows contains all those options through which you can get huge returns when invested. The market of crypto currencies contains more than 500 types of coins but we have chosen around 5 of them. These 5 types of currencies have topped our leader boards and bear the crown of the "best crypto currency to invest in 2021". Up till now Bitcoin has been the most demanded and liked by many folks but there are many other currencies who have also achieved higher positions in the eyes of the people. One by one we will be taking a closer look at the currencies:
1) Ethereum (ETH)
After Bitcoin, Ethereum has earned the most popularity. In recent years the price of this currency has soared up. It now costs $579. The ethereum was upgraded and the new version was named as ethereum 2.0 which might be one of the reasons why the cost has shot up. It is the most used block chain after Bitcoin.
Why to consider this?
· It is decentralized mobile applications friendly
· The second most liquid digital currency
· Smart contracts are supported
2) Ripple (XPR):
It has extremely low exchange rates. As there is no bank service required thus a little process of validation adds to the benefits of Ripple (XPR). Ripple connects with different banks through its services. This makes it a reliable crypto currency for investment and profits. If compared with other coins this has turned out to be the most affordable.
3) Litecoin:
It has shown quite impressive performance in a very short time period. Many people have chosen the path of investing in Litecoin as it has proved to be the eighth largest crypto currency coin in 2020. The cost of this currency is only $68 because of which it comes under the category of affordable crypto currency.
Why to consider this?
• Higher block reward
• Incredibly fast
• The average time to mine a block is 2 minutes
Litecoin has never disappointed its users and has touched the border of satisfaction. This is exactly why we have categorized it under the list of 5 Best crypto currency to invest in 2021.
4) Basic Attention Token (BAT):
It had a huge fan base in 2018 and this rise in popularity was not temporary. It prevailed till this day as it has many services to offer to its users. IT sectors specialist, content writers, the PR groups and many such people have appreciated its performance. This was made by the co-founder of Mozilla Firefox and like Mozilla Firefox this crypto currency has also won hearts all over the globe.
One can get hold of incredibly huge rewards if they watch privacy-preserving ads. These advertisers pay a minimum of $2,500 every month and in return they are able to popularize their products among the users of Brave Browser. That is the reason it is mostly used by Brave Browser.
In short, this coin has reached the heights of popularity and has been doing quite well in the past years. That is the reason why we expect the same path breaking performance this year too.
5) Bitcoin
We wanted to end this on a really good note because of which Bitcoin ends our list. In one or the other event of your life you might have heard of this crypto currency. It is the first one which started ruling the market of crypto currencies. Because it is the most reliable and liked by the people, it is more expensive and costly than the others. For more information visit bitcoin evolution.
Why to consider it?
• Cryptographically protected transaction
• No bank fees incurred
• International transfers would demand low fees
• Can be easily accessed
It is for sure the most expensive one. It might not come under the affordability of many but looking at its services and versatility it looks worthy enough of being bought. It is known as the "gold of crypto coins" and this marks its success in the market of crypto currencies. It has however gone through a huge fall in its popularity but then regained its high position. It was quick enough in recovering from the downfall. According to the opinion of many experts and bankers the price could rise by the end of this year.
Although, bitcoins are the costliest, but they have relatively the highest return on the investments, when compared with other digital currencies at the time.