CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 09 March 2021, 13:23 IST
The ‘I’ in IT no longer stands for Information. It is now the literal ‘I’ – which means ME, my persona, my preferences, my user experience, my digital presence, my privacy and more.
Every action we take online - be it a facebook like, a song download or a bill payment - generates data about our preferences. Data about how we search, where we look, what we watch/buy, and where we go.
This vast data lake has birthed a new market, thanks to the data generated by our clicks, searches and actions. This digital footprint is then being used for personalized offers, target marketing and enticing us to spend more. Often it is morphed as “Customer Intimacy – knowing your customer well”.
And, that’s the reason why there is such a hue and cry about the update/change in WhatsApp's privacy policy. In the new framework, the privacy of our messages and calls is still protected because WhatsApp communications are encrypted. But, other personal data - like our phone numbers, location, how often we use the app, even the screen resolution on our devices - is not protected. This data has been and will be shared with Facebook (the parent company).
So, how does this play out in our daily lives? Well, Facebook might note your likes and serve up an ad on Instagram that reflects your opinions/feelings. Instagram will let you click on a link to send the seller a WhatsApp message. The seller can respond with their offer and you can buy from them instantly using WA’s UPI payments feature. This effectively means you can complete an entire transaction without leaving Facebook’s system. The details of your transaction can then be stored by the seller using Facebook infrastructure. Since both the seller and Facebook have access to this data, you can look forward to receiving targeted offers in the future, not just from this one seller but also other sellers. Convenient or scary?
Data privacy - fact or fiction?
For many years Bigtech (Google, Facebook, Amazon etc) has been all pervasive (read intrusive) - peaking at and monetizing our data. Be it the web browsers and search engines we use or our smartphones and connected devices; everything has the potential ability to encroach on our privacy.
Last month, Apple introduced the App Tracking Transparency feature. It gives users the option to conceal a device identifier that is needed for serving and measuring ads. This gives back users some control and disadvantages companies like Google and Facebook that personalize ads based on your activity online.
Interestingly, WhatsApp’s updated data sharing guidelines don’t apply to the European Union, chiefly due to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). India’s Personal Data Protection (PDP) legislation - modeled on GDPR - is also designed to give us more power to make companies collect less data. But until that happens, what steps can we take to preserve our privacy online?
7 everyday steps to protect privacy
Saurabh Singh is a sales veteran with over two decades of IT Services selling experience in India and America. He is currently leading the charter across all business verticals to -grow, manage & transform -the business for CMSIT Services as a Director and Region Head, North. Prior to joining CMS IT, he spent a considerable amount of time at Wipro managing multiple roles spanning multiple geographies, cutting across various business verticals including Product Sales, Software services Sales, IT Outsourcing services & more.