8th Domain Technology Awards 2017 Small Business Digital Marketing Package Giveaway By CIOReview Team

8th Domain Technology Awards 2017 Small Business Digital Marketing Package Giveaway

CIOReview Team | Wednesday, 25 January 2017, 06:45 IST

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"We couldn't think of a warmer, more passionate and loving group of people to lend our services to than those at Michael's Mission," said Michael Tishman, 8th Domain Technology's Co-Founder & CEO, "we are looking forward to help raise money and public awareness to assist those living with a child with Hunter Syndrome." 

In December of 2016, 8th Domain Technology announced their inaugural "giveaway" as a means of expressing their gratitude and blessings for a good year and giving back to the South Florida small business community for whom they've been serving since 2009. With shout-outs being published across their social media channels, the campaign was kicked off by asking for nominations for worthy organizations who may benefit from their Digital Marketing Services, with the organization acquiring the most votes to receive a new custom designed and developed website, hosting, search engine optimization, and social media marketing for one full year - FREE of charge. With the total package valued at almost $20k. 

8th Domain Technology, a Veteran Owned Small Business (VOSB) based out of Ft. Lauderdale Florida, brands themselves as 'South Florida's Trusted Small Business Sales & Marketing Technology Partner' and has over 50 years of combined experience in their respective fields. Co-founders Michael Tishman and John Datca are first to explain to prospective clients that the mission of 8th Domain Technology is to serve, however they can. Even if it is just to be there as a good listener allowing someone to vent their frustrations in regards to the technology industry as a whole, which seems to be at an all-time low due to the unethical standards and practices in place by many organizations who are only interested in filling their wallets and not actually providing a valuable product or service. "This is what makes us different - Ethics," Michael said in closing.