9 ways to identify genuine car spare parts dealers By CIOReview Team

9 ways to identify genuine car spare parts dealers

CIOReview Team | Tuesday, 26 February 2019, 09:25 IST

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A car is described by the company it belongs to. For instance, you can simply tell the specifications and what to expect from a Germany machine like a Volkswagen. That it is for a new car, and you won’t have to worry about what kind of parts it was because the company has already covered you.

9 ways to identify genuine car spare parts dealers

But when it comes to spare parts, things may be a little bit different. There are so many spare parts dealers in the market. It is important that you identify the genuine parts from a genuine dealer. The last thing you want is having a breakdown and doing more harm to your car because of a wrong part.

Car parts like suspensions, rims, and engines parts are very vital. They have to be specific to the type of care you are driving.

You will not get this from just any dealer. Consider very seriously who is selling the part to you. Here is how to go about it.

Understand spare parts

Even if you have never owned a car before, it is important to familiarize yourself with common car parts. That is the only way best way you can tell a fake from a real one.

Genuine car parts are described as the spare parts that were originally in your care at the time of the purchase. In other words, they are the parts that came with your car. In other words, you need to understand your car to have a clue of what spares it needs.

As mentioned above, a car belongs to the company that manufactured it. In the same way, genuine spares will have an affiliation with the manufacturer.

However, the automaker may now always be the maker of the parts. A different company can manufacture them. The only thing that makes them different from others is that they will have the company logo on them. It means the dealers are authorized to handle spare parts for the said company.

Some believe that if you want to keep the warranty, then you will need a spare with a company’s logo on it. That is not entirely true. Any aftermarket spare can be used in your car as long as they are genuine according to your standards. The Magnum-Most Warrant Act does not allow any manufacturer to deny warranty where such parts are used.

The bottom line is, understand how your spares work and where to get them. This will assure you proper care for your automobile.

Check the websites

The site is perhaps the first place you will come in contact with a dealer. This should give you everything you want to know about the company. Consider Boodmo for instance. There is everything about the company on the website, from the contact information to the services they offer to their physical location.

You can easily tell from here whether or not you are dealing with the right company. Transparency is key to establishing a lasting relationship. Therefore, make sure the dealer makes you feel so from how they are represented online.

9 ways to identify genuine car spare parts dealers


How long has the company been operating on the market? You can easily tell from their website and the number of customers they are serving. Experience means they have everything it takes to serve and you will not be another test subject to them. It makes it even easier for you if they have indicated on the site.

Reviews from other users

Reviews are the best way to know if a company can be trusted. On the site or social media platform, check for what other customers are saying about the company. The more positive reviews you get, the easier it becomes for you to decide. This is like getting a recommendation from someone who has already used the services in part.

Customer care

Do they have a proper line of connection? Is their phone going through? What about emails and web chat functionality? These are the media that will help you get in touch with the company in case of a problem. Communication is important in determining the level of reliability.

The price

Some parts are understandably costly. But that does not mean that the dealer should just exaggerate the prices making it hard for you. Consider a dealer that gives you the best deals and good prices. Such is a dealer interested in keeping you as a customer and not just a fling.

The location

Do you know the physical location of the dealer? Whether you are ordering online or through a friend, you want a dealer that is as close to you as possible. This will enable you to visit them any time you feel there is a problem. It is also about the regulations and quality of items. Dealers from certain places are notoriously associated with fakery.

Have genuine parts

A genuine dealer is defined by the kind of aftermarket parts they have. It is only is the parts are genuine that the dealer becomes genuine as well. Since we have already described what genuine parts should be like, it becomes much easier for you to pick.

Must have an established outlet

How do you receive the spares? This is an important question you must ask. All the costs it tales for drop shipping, and delivery must be carefully considered.

Once you are satisfied that this is the dealer who meets the standards, ordering is becoming much easier.