Apple and Google Prohibit Location Tracking for Contact Tracing By CIOReviewIndia Team

Apple and Google Prohibit Location Tracking for Contact Tracing

CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 05 May 2020, 08:01 IST

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Apple and Google Prohibit Location Tracking for Contact Tracing

Apple and Google, two major tech-giants whose operating systems power over 99 percent of smart phones have recently said that they would ban the use of location tracking for notifying people of potential exposure to covid-19.    

 These companies last month in the midst of coronavirus outbreak said that they would work together to create a technology system that helps people notify when they have been near to other people who have been tested positive for the virus. The companies planned to allow only the healthcare authorities to use the technology that tracks people exposed to the disease. The technology is considered by experts as an important tool in helping the world return to normal state by combating the coronavirus pandemic.     

The system uses Bluetooth signals from mobile phones to track people movements. Developers of the coronavirus related apps have said that it was vital for the apps to use GPS data in addition to the contact tracking technology to identify the potential virus hotspots and track the virus spread. However, both companies citing privacy concerns have banned the use of GPS location data, preventing governments from using the system to track people movements.  

Some companies said that they would stick to their own approaches instead of Apple-Google tool. Twenty, a Software company which developed the state of Utah's Healthy Together contact tracing app with both GPS and Bluetooth, said on Monday that their application operates effectively even without the new technology developed by Apple-Google. "If their approach can be more effective than our current solution, we'll eagerly incorporate their features into our existing application, provided it meets the specifications of current and prospective public health partners," Twenty said.    

Apple and Google will allow only one app per country to use the contact system, in order to minimize fragmentation and improve the adoption of the technology. However, the companies also said that they will help countries that opt for a regional approach in combating the coronavirus.