CioreviewIndia team | Tuesday, 09 March 2021, 05:51 IST
Aurionpro proclaims signing of the strategic partnership with Future-Tech, UK for data center design and consultancy projects in India & South Asia.
Aurionpro has endeavoured into the Data Centre building, consulting and hybrid cloud services in recent years and has built a strong team of industry veterans, with over 20+ years of experience in the field, for this purpose. Aurionpro has also inked with one of the customers and is providing consultancy and assistance for rolling out of 100 MW Data Centres within next few years. Moreover, Aurionpro is also providing consultancy to the other industry leaders on Data Centre designs and execution.
Future-Tech, head quartered in Wokingham, England will bring further specialisation, engineering excellence and direct industry knowledge to our recognized and expanding team within India and South Asia.
Future-tech has been occupied on providing more than 3GW of data centre capacity. These engagements have been varied and includes master planning, concept, developed and detailed design, peer review, cost analysis, technical and commercial due diligence, technology analysis, optimisation, post outage forensic engineering, co-location selection and operational consulting and supervision. The Future Tech is drawn in the projects ranging from high density and micro-edge environments to multi-MW campuses, the largest so far being more than 270MW.
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