CIOReview Team | Saturday, 30 March 2019, 06:37 IST
The best IAS coaching in Delhi is obviously bound to be the top coaching institute. However, the idea of what is best varies from one IAS aspirant to another. A number of factors need to be considered before a civil services aspirant finally opts for an IAS coaching institution in Delhi.
Apart from the fee, and the quality of the course material, the faculty should be well experienced and knowledgeable. Besides, the faculty is supposed to impart the right kind of the answer writing skills. It is highly important because UPSC is going to make an assessment on the grounds of the answers penned down by the candidate in the exam.
Besides, there is a lot more that counts before an aspirant may successfully choose the best of the top IAS coaching institutions in Delhi. The most prominent among the top IAS coaching institutions in Delhi are briefly described below with all the contact details for the sake of the IAS aspirants so that they may choose the suitable one as required.Note: These below mentioned coaching institutes are suggestive and we don’t recommend for any particular coaching institute. The best thing would be to call all these coaching institutes and put your queries to them, and the institute that satisfy you the most should be your future mentor.
5 Best IAS Coaching in Delhi:
(1) Elite IAS Academy:The Academy was founded by the highly reputed and successful teacher of Sociology, Mr. Bibhash Sharma. It is worth noting that Ila Tripathi,IAS (AIR-51, CSE-2016) has been exceptionally successful scoring the highest in Sociology with a score of 301 marks.
Besides, there is no dearth of the successful candidates under the eminent guidance of Mr. Bibhash Sharma. Abhilash Baranwal, IAS (AIR-44, CSE-2017), Nikhil Pathak, IPS (AIR-107, CSE-2015) – selected in 1st attemptare only a few to be named, with the ever increasing list of the successful candidates.
Elite IAS Academy is widely recognized for being the best IAS coaching institution in Delhi. Not only do the faculty members have a tight grip over the subjects they teach, but they are also well experienced for teaching the exceptionally vast UPSC syllabus with unfailing success. And it should be noted that many of the Elite faculty members have also faced the UPSC Interview. Elite IAS also provides online coaching for IAS, this is very popular among working professionals, college attending students (under graduates) and distance students.
Contact Information:
Elite IAS Academy
Branch: Old Rajendra Nagar
11A/22, IInd Floor, Bada Bazaar Marg,
Near Bikaner Sweets at Gol Chakkar,
Old Rajender Nagar,New Delhi – 110060,
Nearest Metro Station: Karol Bagh
Phone: 7065202020
Branch: Mukherjee Nagar
A-1, Chandra House, Top Floor,
(Opposite ICICI BANK),
Mukherjee Nagar,Delhi- 110009,
Nearest Metro Station: GTB Nagar
Phone: 8410000037
(2) Vajiram and Ravi IAS coaching, Delhi: It is a highly reputed coaching in Delhi and NCR. It is among the oldest of the institutions that have been providing coaching for clearing the IAS exam. An online form is required to be filled and submitted by those seeking admission.
Contact Information:
9B, Bada Bazar Marg, Rajinder Nagar, new Delhi,
Phone: 011-25820000, 25734058
(3) Analog IAS Academy, Delhi:It is considered to be one of the best among the IAS coaching institutions in Delhi.The Director Mr. Srikanth Vinnakota has been guiding the students for the UPSC exam since 16 years. He is known to equip his students with the best of the strategies to answer the Prelims and the Mains question papers. Besides, the coaching institution also conducts Mock Interviews from time to time. The students are also provided with the opportunity to interact with the eminent IAS officers and various bureaucrats as required.
Contact Information:
57/12, Third Floor, Bada Bazar Marg,
Near Karol Bagh Metro Station,
Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi,
Delhi- 110060
Phone: 011-49785868, 8800283132
(4) Ramanasri Institute for UPSC, Delhi: It is considered to be an excellent institution for the preparation for the IAS exam. Besides, the institute is known to be the best for those who opt for Mathematics as an Optional subject for the preparation of the exam. It has earned a good name for itself for providing coaching for various cadres of UPSC including IAS, IFoS, IFS, and CSE.
Contact Information:
20/24, Near Yashoda Dairy,
Old Rajinder Nagar, New Delhi,
Delhi 110060
Phone: 87507 06262
(5) Plutus IAS Coaching, Delhi:With the faculty sincerely dedicated to provide qualitative coaching to the IAS aspirants, Plutus IAS Coaching is known for its weekend batches. It has also earned a reputation for being among the best of the Online Coaching institutions across India. So, it comes to the rescue of all those aspirants who do not find it feasible to give up their job in order to prepare for IAS. Besides, students are provided the coaching in Hindi medium as well.
Contact Information:
C59 Noida opp. Priyagold Building,
Sec 2, Noida, U.P-201301
0120 - 422-14-13
Though the IAS aspirants have access tovarious IAS coaching institutions, it is best to keep in mind that they should take into account all the factors before choosing an institute. Moreover, more than the coaching institution, it is the willingness to work hard and smart that counts more.
None of the coaching institutions can equip any of the IAS aspirants, unless and until the individual is prepared to leave no stone unturned for the same. Though the institutions specified above do hold their merits, they cannot replace the efforts made by the student.
So, it is best not to miss any of the test series. An IAS aspirant should get all of his queries answered by the faculty. Besides, the suggestions made by the faculty should be implemented. The revisions are also highly important for all the civil services aspirants. All the knowledge gained and preparation made for the exam would be a big and pathetic waste if the candidate forgets most of the details while answering the question paper. So, he should be ready to revise, revise and revise irrespective of the coaching institution that he chooses.