CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 09 November 2020, 08:52 IST
As Joseph Biden of the Democratic Party is all set to take office as the 46th President of the US, according to an agenda released by the Biden campaign, it was stated, “Biden will deliver on his long-standing belief that India and the United States are natural partners, and a Biden Administration will place a high priority on continuing to strengthen the U.S.-India relationship. No common global challenge can be solved without India and the United States working as responsible partners. “
Together, we will continue strengthening India’s defense and capabilities as a counter-terrorism partner, improving health systems and pandemic response, and deepening cooperation in areas such as higher education, space exploration, and humanitarian relief,” the agenda further covered.
However, it is said that the India could face challenges in dealing with Biden on climate change, human rights and US policy on Pakistan. It is also said that the US under Biden will also look to India as it seeks to develop a more reliable and less China centric, supply chain.
Furthermore, the Indian PM has also spoken of India becoming a trusted partner in supply chains, while also building its self- reliant capabilities. He said, “I believe the US and India will both benefit by focusing on exploring cooperation in emerging technology areas such as artificial intelligence, cyber, data, digital, quantum computing.”
Possibilities based on synergies and complementarities, Governments as well as business on both sides should be involved early in a deep dive dialogue on. Thus providing a stronger geo-economic basis to the growing geostrategic convergence.
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