Biden's Visa Policy Applauded By The Indian Technology Sector

CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 22 January 2021, 12:35 IST

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When Joseph Biden won the 46th Presidential election of the United States, the land of opportunities marked a new day in its history. Joseph Biden, now popular as President Biden, took oath on 20th January 2021. In just the first few hours, he made some major changes which got recognition globally. One of the changes is his stand on immigration and the H1B visa backed by the Indian Technology Industry.

The Indian Tech society also plays a vital role in the USA as nearly 30 percent of the IT workers are of Indian origin. Therefore, it is obvious that the Indian Tech Society has applauded President Biden’s decision. Everyone expects Joe to pass a bill proposing elimination of the per-country cap for employment-based green cards. This decision will be helping the Indian IT professionals in working without any hassle.

Trump-led government had placed several curbs and created unfortunate changes to the H1B visa programme, which was most often used by the Indian IT professionals for migrating to the USA for business.

The Biden Government, as a starter, froze or withdrew some of these curbs on Wednesday.

Joe’s decision has relieved many citizens, especially the Indian Technology industry, where Nasscom has also highlighted how the United States sector awaits major challenges in the future for overcoming the damage caused in the last few years. It will be interesting to witness how the new administration by President Biden, which has assured that it will work on uniting the people, will win the battle irrespective of their race, religion or color.