Bitcoin Wallets Explained:Making the Right Choice

CIOReviewIndia Team | Saturday, 21 November 2020, 16:56 IST

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Bitcoin WalletsIf you’re looking to become a Bitcoin trader you’d need to master the basics first. Lucky for you there are lots of sites online that can teach you the basics, the history of the cryptocurrency as well as the terms and phrases you’ll see used often.

In addition to that, you’ll need some practice. Developers have already covered that area as well thanks to the many Bitcoin trading simulators out there. They use real-time prices and offer competition in the form of other players. In other words, you’ll learn how to invest your money and trade Bitcoin effectively.

Once you’re ready to begin trading you’ll need a Bitcoin wallet. And what is a Bitcoin wallet?

Bitcoin Wallets Explained

The Bitcoin wallet is a bit different than a regular one. You need a digital wallet to store your Bitcoin in, just like you store your money in a regular wallet. However, the Bitcoin wallet comes with a private and a public key.

The private one is your own and you can’t share it with anyone. You need it if you want to access your wallet. Another thing this key does is that it works as a verification for any transaction to make. If you want to get money then you’ll need your public key.

This one you can share with other Bitcoin traders. If you’re looking to buy Bitcoin assets or make other purchases this is the key you’d use. These keys are an essential part of any digital wallet. And there are several wallets out there.

They come in 2 groups: hot and cold ones. If they’re connected to the Internet, they’re hot wallets. These include the likes of mobile and web wallets. The cold ones are made up of paper, hardware, and other types of wallets.

Before you start trading you need to have a wallet suited to your needs. When it comes to the trading part you can make use of a trading robot to minimize the risk. There are several platforms that offer that kind of service and one of them is You can start off by making an account and depositing the minimum amount. Then you’ll get a demo session with the bot and once you understand its settings you can prep it for a live session. It will do all the hard work for you.

How to Pick the Right Wallet

There are many Bitcoin wallets available out there but you still have to make a choice. In that regard, here are some pointers that will help you in making a decision:

A Reputable Wallet Is a Good Wallet

There are several lists of the best or the top Bitcoin wallets available. If one or more names find themselves there then they’re on the lists for a good reason. The companies behind them probably have much more to offer than the other ones on the list. If you’re going for a Bitcoin wallet, then going with a reputable one is a good idea.

Security Is Paramount

Hackers and malware are real threats that you’ll face online. That’s why you need to make sure you have a secure wallet. You should go for one that comes with a multisignature. To put it simply, with wallets like these you need a few signatures to make a transaction happen.

Naturally, the different types of wallets will offer different security measures. If web wallets are your thing you’re going to need one with a safe address (https instead of http). Logins and other measures will also be in the mix to increase the level of security.

The Ease of Use

In general, you should look for a Bitcoin wallet that suits your skill as a trader. That’s why you’ll need to go for a wallet that is easy to use. Once you increase your skill then you can go for something more complicated.


The Bitcoin wallet is a digital or physical storage for your Bitcoin. It’s an essential tool of your arsenal as a Bitcoin trader. There are different types of wallets for the different types of traders. Some are more secure than others. What you need to do is find the one that suits your needs.