Can education be the only important factor in a development of a country? By Cioreviewindia

Can education be the only important factor in a development of a country?

Cioreviewindia | Monday, 20 August 2018, 08:51 IST

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Can education be the only important factor in a development of a country?

In the 21st century, mankind has to solve the new global problems: exhaustibility of the world's natural resources,energy crisis, poor state of environment, providing people with the necessary resources (food, industrial raw materials, energy), human health, poverty, reassessing the directions of technical development, radically improving the social conditions, social rights, peace for all peoples, regulation of rapid population growth, etc.Education is the key to the elimination of these negative factors.

Why education is important?

It is known that education helped to fight the problems of mankind not only in the 21st century. We could remember several historical facts which prove the importance of education in developing countries irrespective of time and social system.

Wilhelm von Humboldt was first to defend the idea of sustainable state support for universities. He did this during the Napoleonic invasion of the German territory. Pursuing the reform of the Prussian educational system, this man established the University of Berlin in 1810.

One more example can be taken from the history of higher education in the United States: the decision of Franklin Roosevelt on the unprecedented support of universities in the years of great depression. Ultimately, this helped the country overcome the crisis and achieve the world leadership positions in the invention of production and science technologies. It was said that America is rich not because it has a lot of money, but because it has many universities.

You may mention these facts while writing argumentative essays about theimportance of education. They prove that the normal existence of any society is impossible without the proper functioning and development of the academicsystem.

The place of education in the life of society is largely determined by the role of people's knowledge, experience, abilities, skills, the possibilities of developing the professional and personal qualities.

It is no coincidence that many economically developed and rapidly progressing countries compile national doctrines and concepts considering the improvementofthe national education system as one of the strategic directions. In the late 1980s, based on the analysis of the qualification level of the European labor force, the Industrial Research and Development Advisory Committee of the European Union concluded that there will be no competitive economy without a competitive educational system.

Statistical information

The understanding that the future of mankind, its survival is associated with the further development of science led to the high interest of young people in education:

  • By the beginning of the 90s, the number of students in the world had tripled in comparison with 1960 and reached more than 900 million people.
  • During the period of 70-80s, the number of full-time students in US universities increased from 5.5 to 7.3 million people (1.4 times). The number of online students increased from 2.4 to 5.5 million (2.3 times).
  • During the same period, the average annual growth of online students’ quantityin the UK was 10.8%, full-time students - 2.3%.

Strengthening the education system

Each unit of expenditure on education gives a return tothe level of 1.7-1.9 units of GDP. The educational sphere should become a strategic point of economic growth. As the experience of many countries shows, only its fast development forms the investment attractiveness of the country and provides a technological breakthrough.

The policy of the state should be aimed at the formation of an active, purposeful and responsible person who is able to successfully play various roles in the modern world. This requires flexible and accurate adaptation of the education system to the actual and prospective needs of the labor market, the formation of the capacity for productive work and global partnership.

The social importance of higher education in a market economy, its pragmatic value allows a specialist with higher education to adequately sell his intellectual services to the employer.Thus, inattention to education should be regarded as a waste of human resources. Attempts to reduce the scale of the education system should be prevented.Investment in education has a long payback period but very high profitability. The state should increase the sums provided for intensifying of academic activities.

It can be said that the pension system rewards past work. Health care, housing and communal services provide the proper living conditions in present. At the same time education works for the future of the country, determines the dynamics of qualitative growth of thenation.Its strengthening is a condition for the development of other branches of the social sphere.

The experience of recent years shows that the education system has remained one of the few fields of national unity. It is able to stop the processes of spiritual impoverishment, the growth of crime in the youth environment.

The main social value is not the state or aparticular group of people but a separate individual. The role of personal labor and education is growing.

In the context of the intensification of information processes, the knowledge gained by people quickly becomes obsolete. Consequently, the need for the education of all members of society will increase. Training should become continuous, accessible, developing and outstripping. Higher education institutions are created to meet these needs. The demand for knowledge is proved by the growth of the competition at the entrance exams.

A noteworthy fact is a steady increase of the proportion of students combining studies with work activities. This phenomenon is accompanied by wide application of technical means ensuring a high quality level of education:

  • computer and information technology;
  • satellite communication systems;
  • educational (including cable) television,
  • mass telephony with the possibility of access to information systems;
  • global and regional networks (the Internet, etc.).

Modern society pushes forward very stringent requirements to the level of qualifications and time of retraining of workers. Thus, information should be accessible to any person, anywhere, anytime.

We hope that it was interesting for you to find out the above-mentioned facts about theconnectionbetween education and development ofthe countries. The seeds of knowledge planted today will give fruits tomorrow.