CEO Of Microsoft Talks About Crucial Things That Will Change The Future Of India By CIOReviewIndia Team

CEO Of Microsoft Talks About Crucial Things That Will Change The Future Of India

CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 26 February 2020, 08:41 IST

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                               CEO Of Microsoft Talks About Crucial Things That Will Change The Future Of India

Satya Nadella was appointed as CEO for Microsoft in 2014 when the company was valued at about USD 300 Billion dollars. Since then, he has been driving company’s growth bandwagon to currently aiding the company to join USD 1 Trillion Club. At the recent event in Bangalore, he spoke about various things which will change the world which we are living, today. Firstly, he started by advising people who are indulged with technology. He said that whenever one is utilizing technology, they should never ‘Reinvent the Wheel’. He also explained about the importance about understanding the latest technology so as to make optimum use of it. When it comes to India, he also added that the people who will adopt technology and use it effectively will aid in shaping the future of the country. Hence, it is crucial that the people reskill themselves with today’s latest technologies. “Gone are the days when you just graduated from college and believed that the education you got will last for entire life. Every sector, every job, everywhere you go, the world is being transformed by technology,” said Nadella.

Furthermore, he told that Artificial Intelligence will be shaping the world in the next 10 years. “The ultimate dream of AI is to have science do AI,” he stated.  Talking about technologies, he said that trust will be the major factor when it comes to its usage. Any industry, be it banks, or any company who utilizes various technologies should ensure that the people don’t have any trust issues. “Consumers shouldn’t just be able to trust those who build tech but those who use it as well,” he added.

Moreover, with advancements in technology, security breaches have become a critical problem. In this regard, he told that trillions of dollars are getting lost due to various cybercrimes, hence it is very important to develop systems which will deliver full-proof security against any breaches and frauds.

Satya Nadella also said that there are almost 50 billion connected devices across the globe. “This gives everyone immense opportunity to build and create for a better world,” he concluded.