Click Pay Acquires RE Lockbox Services to Simplify Payment Methods for Property Managers By CIOReview Team

Click Pay Acquires RE Lockbox Services to Simplify Payment Methods for Property Managers

CIOReview Team | Wednesday, 10 June 2015, 12:00 IST

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NEW YORK, NY: Click Pay, provider of SaaS-based payment and billing solutions for the property management industry, has announced its acquisition of RE Lockbox Services to support Click Pay’s commitment to simplify and consolidate all payment methods into a single comprehensive solution for property managers.

Company’s staff and resources are now expanded, supporting the fast-paced growth while keeping its core focus on customer service, product innovation, and technical support. The acquisition will further support Click Pay’s commitment to simplify and consolidate all payment methods into a single comprehensive solution for property managers.

Jim Woods, former Managing Director of RE will now lead Click Pay’s lockbox division as Vice President, Lockbox and Remote Deposit Services. Jim stated “Our teams have always shared the same deep service commitment to our customers which is what made this joining of forces so successful right from the beginning. The team and I are excited to officially join Click Pay to support and fuel the incredibly rapid growth we have both experienced.”

Click Pay has built a robust, reliable and highly scalable solution to address high volume requirements of property owners and managers and support the future growth of the business. The Click Pay solution creates operational efficiency and reduction in costs for property managers by simplifying and consolidating all payment methods into a single comprehensive solution. These payment methods include online ACH, credit card, online bill payments, and paper checks.

Click Pay’s President, Steven Van Praagh, says, “The two teams had a large portion of resources shared across many areas of the operation already, making the transition simple. Our customers continue to demand tight integration of data and reporting, processes and procedures, and customer service so it was time for us to constitute a change that benefitted our clients as well as both organizations. A win, win, win in the classical sense.”