Comparium - a must-have tool for QA specialist for website testing By CIOReviewIndia Team

Comparium - a must-have tool for QA specialist for website testing

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 23 September 2019, 14:09 IST

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Comparium - a must-have tool for QA specialist for website testingGone are the days when people had to manually test their website across different browsers and check if every web page of their business is compatible across various web browsers and their versions. The process is time-consuming and also accounts for wasteful spending. However, this traditional method of website testing tool has been replaced by automated faster applications that are aimed at delivering the results in a couple of minutes.

One such newer-age cross-browsing website testing tool that is set to take the market by storm in coming days is- Comparium. A convenient web application, Comparium is an automated website testing tool that assists a user in successfully testing their website’s accessibility and compatibility across various platforms. With its automated functionality, the tool eradicates the hassle of testing each browser combination manually, thus saving a lot of time of the user.

The first version of the application which is to be launched in the coming days will enable a user to carry out web browser testing on different browsers and operating systems. Be it Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0, 8.0, Google Chrome 75.0, 74.0, 73.0, or Mozilla Firefox 68.0, 67.0, Safari 11.0; the tool can perform visual compatibility testing across different web browsers. Comparium also supports testing on varied operating system like Windows 10, 7, Mac OS X Mojave, High Sierra, and Linux.

An easy-to-use interface and user-friendly software, Comparium will make the rigorous task of website testing into a cakewalk wherein you will just need to submit some basic information about your web page’s test address and you will be delivered the results in few moments. Moreover, the application also offers an offline report feature that makes the process effortless altogether. A user now need not sit in front of his computer screen waiting for the results to pop-up, the information comprising of the webpage’s design and compatibility is directly sent to the email id with attached screenshots. Comparium is a coherent tool which will help do away with the manual labor while delivering proficient end-results to its clients.

As a high-end automated website testing tool, the launch of Comparium is highly awaited by industry experts as it ought to simplify the whole testing job. The fully-functional first version of the application is expected to be available in the market soon and will be distributed free to the clients. With three other versions also in their development stages, the future of Comparium looks promising with the company exhibiting potential in its operation. It is expected to launch Version 2, Version 2.5 and Version 3 in the coming years which will incorporate other features like user account with offline test scheduling, support for client Selenium scripts, access to API, real-time web testing on virtual desktop and free, pro and enterprise plans. The company also looks to expand in over 2.5 thousand different browsers and their version in future. With a no complacency policy in place, Comparium is expected to change the way of cross-browsing website testing in the market.