CIOReviewindia Team | Monday, 04 November 2019, 05:10 IST
The employers of the organization select those employees who possess high intelligence level and the capacity to perform the specified task successfully. They should deliver high output and also prove their innovative nature to improve the process of work. The candidates should possess those skills to complete the task successfully within the specified period and also to increase the profitability of the organization by contributing their creative and novel ideas towards the organization. The candidate should be emotionally competent also, but should first prove his aptitude and skills.
The candidates should possess two types of reasoning skills namely fluid reasoning and crystallized reasoning. The employers test both the skills of the candidate so that they can meaningfully contribute to the organization for a long period. They usually test the fluid reasoning skills by conducting MCQ round. To improve the crystallized reasoning power, they use different types of tools such as case lets, case study stimulators, and other stimulators. The fluid reasoning ability includes abstract reasoning, spatial reasoning, and visual thinking. Crystallized thinking includes critical thinking, logical reasoning, data interpretation, numeric ability, decision making and verbal ability.
The organization conducts cognitive aptitude test to test numerous skills of the candidates.
Fluid reasoning
Fluid reasoning is the capacity to grasp novel concepts and acquire information using novel tools in novel situations. It includes three main aspects namely abstract reasoning, spatial reasoning, and visual reasoning. It is the capacity to understand and detect patterns, designs and understand the relationship between them. They should be able to solve the problems on intangible level. It is a conceptual reasoning test conducted to test the ability of a candidate to detect patterns and understand the logical rules. They can also integrate the information and teach them the technique to solve the problems. They use different tools to test the abstract reasoning of the candidates. It is the capacity of the candidate to use tools in an optimal way and perform any task successfully.
The spatial reasoning is the ability to understand the position of the objects and establish relationship between the objects. They should also prove their capacity to think about the objects in three-dimensional form. They also should be able to conclude based upon the visual information provided by them. The candidates possessing strong spatial ability can understand the way the object appears from various angles. They should visualize the object and manipulate the images into the desired shapes or objects.
They also test the visual reasoning capacity of the candidate. It measures the overall intelligence and the speed of identification of logical patterns, identifying the patterns, understanding the logical rules, and identifying the causes. They integrate this information and apply it for solving different types of problems.
Crystallized reasoning
It is the secondary cognitive aptitude test conducted to test the thinking capacity of the candidate. The crystallized reasoning includes different aspects such as the problem-solving skills, language and comprehension, logical and critical thinking capacity, decision making and judgment capacity. It includes the information processing skills or the skills to effectively use the acquired information. Fluid reasoning is the method of acquiring information and crystallized reasoning is the method of processing information. It is also considered as the pre-acquired knowledge to complete the tasks. Usually to perform any managerial tasks, the candidate should possess the crystallized thinking skills. The candidate should be able to think in abstract terms without using tools.
Language and comprehension
It is the skills of communicating ideas, opinions and thoughts. It is a process of converting ideas or thoughts into words to make people understand. The person should have the capacity to understand the meaning of the written information and should manipulate the information to complete the task and draw conclusions. They should be able to gather and present their thoughts in an organized manner. They should also understand the meaning of different words and the relationship between the words.
Logical and critical thinking
The candidate should understand the relationship between two abstract concepts or situations. It includes the concept of ‘cause and effect’. It is the capacity to analyse the given information and think deeply about the matter. Using the term ‘why’, they can build several theories about the subject and discover different aspects of the situation. Then, they can also identify problems and find solutions to the problems by analysing a given situation. The candidate should also understand the logical rules and patterns. It is the philosophic branch of logic that includes arguments to identify the truth and untruth from any situation or concept. To access the logical and critical thinking capacity of a candidate, they use different stimulators and case studies so that they can study the ability of the candidate to think deeply. It also includes application of logical rules and regulations.
Problem solving
When the candidate is able to identify and understand the logical rules, then they can discover the ways to solve a problem. A person uses different methods to solve a given problem. The person should employ right tools, use logical methods and strategies to solve a given problem. To solve a problem, a candidate should understand the nature of the problem. To perform any task in an organization, the candidate should possess the problem-solving skills. So, they test aptitude tests such as numeric ability, abstract reasoning and vocabulary reasoning to test the problem-solving capacity of the candidates. Almost to perform any white-collared job, a person should possess this skill. Even to perform simple operations, the candidate should possess problem-solving skills.
Decision making and judgment
The candidates should be able to undertake sound decisions based upon the information that is acquired, analysed, and the underlying problems. They should use their deep thinking and forecasting skills to undertake important decisions. This step is complex and the candidate should be able to use multiple skills to undertake proper decisions. The candidate should be able to identify the problems, know the nature of the problem, and think in profitable terms. Also, the candidate should be able to use different skills and forecasting skills to understand the obstacles that may occur. Based upon those obstacles, they should undertake proper decisions. They should be able to think deeply. If a candidate is applying for CEO or administrator job, then they should possess this skill.