DIAT Launches Pavitrapati Ayurvedic Biodegradable Face Mask and Anti-Microbial Body Suit Aushada Tara

CIOReviewIndia Team | Thursday, 13 August 2020, 13:34 IST

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https://www.ciotechoutlook.com/newsimages/special/12DBbK5W.jpegDIAT, Pune located Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, develops a Nanofibres of Ayurvedic Biodegradable Face Mask. This face mask will provide defense against bacteria and virus and serve as virus neutralizer. The founders named it ‘Pavitrapati’.

As per the Transfer of Technology, ToT, NDA for this product was signed between DIAT and Kolhapur located Textile Company M/s. Siddheshwar Techtessile in June 2020, aimed at mass distribution for limiting the spread of coronavirus.

The launch took place today for sale as the company developed 10,000 total masks for sale. It received responses from distributors, sales teams, and pharmaceutical companies. The product will be available on online platforms like Amazon and Flipkart shortly.

Another ToT is transferred to M/s. Siddheshwar Techtessile by DIAT to develop anti-microbial bodysuit – ‘Aushada Tara’. The suit will provide super-hydrophobic, breathing, anti-microbial, comfort feeling to the wearers. The suit’s fabric material is approved to protect against coronavirus attacks. The suit already cleared the splash resistant tests and has good repellent property of any fluids. The suit will be provided to medical hospitals, private companies, airlines, and government agencies. The production of this suit has been started and the initial order is completed and implemented.