CIOREVEIWINDIA | Friday, 25 May 2018, 10:10 IST
The management consulting and strategy firm, Zinnov released a report on the Domain name industry in India with a title of “State of the Domain name industry in India”. The released report is intended to keep a track on the Domain name industry growth in India. There has been an increment in the number of the registered domain name in India by 7.1% as compared to 0.9 globally. There are around 5.3 Million registered domain names in India whereas globally the number is 332 million (by the end of December 2017). According to the report, 48% of the total registered domain names in India are used for creating a website, 9%-11% is used for professional emails and 9% of the domains are used for making a mobile-enabled website. Among the 200 SMBs of the three high tech cities in India, 75% of the SMBs have bought domain name based on their company name, 85% of the SMBs have used digital payment procedure (credit/debit/net banking) to purchase the domain names in India and about 70% of the SMBs preferred ‘.com’ domain over other TLDs because of the trust and global standards.
The CEO of Zinnov, Pari Natarajan commenting on the report said that technology is one of the greatest factor that is driving the Indian economy and with the Indian Initiative led by the government, to improve digital infrastructure and adopt digital services, the country is growing at a fast pace in domain name adoption. This has helped India to surpass the world in the domain name growth over the past few years. He also said that with the evolving customer mindset and awareness about domain names among the SMBs, many businesses are going online and bringing the opportunities for others. The report also revealed that the places in India with higher internet access showed higher adoption of domains than other places. Maharashtra, Delhi/NCR, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka are at the top of the list and also the home of the 50% of the registered domain name business in India.
Earlier, Zinnov released the report in 2016 regarding the growth in domain name industry in India. At that time the name of the registered domain name was 4.9 million in India and Domain industry had grown by a CAGR of 11.9% during the period of June 2013-June 2016 as compared to 8.7% globally.