Dr Vint Cerf, Father of Internet awarded scholarships at Data Science Congress 2020 By CIOReviewIndia Team

Dr Vint Cerf, Father of Internet awarded scholarships at Data Science Congress 2020

CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 09 June 2020, 04:46 IST

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                               Dr Vint Cerf, Father of Internet awarded scholarships at Data Science Congress 2020

The 3rd edition of Data Science Congress (DSC) 2020 virtual, an initiative of Aegis School of Data Science and Cyber Security; with support of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Chamber partner Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI); powered by mUni Campus, with support of Cloud4C & Dunhummby for maximum women participation concluded with a bigger bang this year with participation from across industries, sectors and nationalities on 6th and 7th June. DSC 2020 was inaugurated by Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Hon’bleUnion Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India.This edition of DSC discussed topics around banning the production and usage of killer robots, insights about India’s 1st Data protection bill; technical talks by co-creator of Tensorflow; bioinformation on storing data in one’s DNA; creating scalable Artificial Intelligence, panel on challenges & opportunities for women in data; highlights of the both days was key note by DrJuergen Schmidhuber, Father of modern Artificial Intelligence and Father of Internet and DrVint Cerf, Father of Internet.For more information on many more topics and speakers, please visit www.datasciencecongress.com

At the event, Dr.Vint Cerf, Father of Internet and Creator of TCP/IP facilitated and appreciated20 talented students from India selected through Aegis Graham Bell Award National Talent Hunt for Data Science, AI and Cyber Security Phase II who were provided with a 100% scholarship to study Post Graduate Program (PGP) in Data Science; PGP in Applied AI, Machine Learning & Deep Learning and PGP in Cyber Security from Aegis School of Data Science & Cyber Security in association with IBM. IN Phase I, likewise 20 students were awarded the scholarship in the month of February 2020 by ShriNitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Minister for Road Transport & Highways of India and Shipping Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in the Government of India. The candidates were selected from across the country who has the potential to grow as leaders in Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security.

Inaugurating the event and addressing the Indian Artificial Intelligence ecosystem, Shri Sanjay Dhotre, Hon’ble Union Minister of State for Human Resource Development, Communications and Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India commented “Limited availability of sufficient skilled and updated manpower is one of the big challenges which the academia must look into. The skill set imparting knowledge is still mainly in English, whereas we have tremendously talented youth studying in regional languages as well. There is a huge void of content creation in local languages.”

Dr Vint Cerf, Father of Internet said “I am very impressed with this event and the program of honouring students with 100% scholarship. These students have worked very hard to reach here. This shows a great deal of creativity and energy in a tremendous way. Congratulations to all the students and have a bright future ahead”

Dr Jürgen Schmidhuber, Father of modern Artificial Intelligence raised the concern about the pandemic Coronavirus, he mentioned in his key note “Artificial Intelligence based on deep neural networks and deep learning can help to fight the COVID19 virus in many ways. Neural networks can learn to detect patterns in data from viruses and patients, we can use those neural networks to predict the future consequences of possible actions and we will act to minimize the damage.”

Adding to Hon’ble Minister points on academia role in AI, Dr Anil Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, AICTE mentioned “I believe India with 1.35 billion population which is 1/6th of the world population, If we are transforming we are transforming 1/6th of the world.

Dilip Chenoy, Secretary General, FICCI mentioned “Indian data and technology service market is segmented by solutions and we are expecting India to be become the largest data science market in the world with better use cases and significant opportunities for data scientist in the future therefore the emphasis should be on education”

“Learning in the last 2 days from these world leaders at the event will surely help in paving a path for the mission of making India as a world leader in research, education, and skill development in the fields of AI, Data Science and Cyber Security, Thank you to our partners AICTE, FICCI, AIQRATE, ASMA, Dunnhumby, Cloud4C, Safe N’ happy Periods for making this event a grand success” said Bhupesh Daheria, Founder, Muni Campus, and CEO, Aegis School of Data Science & Cyber Security.