GCR Launches A Disruptive 'IoT PaaS Partner Program', A Perfect IoT Franchising Opportunity! By CIOReviewIndia Team

GCR Launches A Disruptive 'IoT PaaS Partner Program', A Perfect IoT Franchising Opportunity!

CIOReviewIndia Team | Monday, 09 March 2020, 12:25 IST

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                                GCR launches a disruptive

Global Channel Resources (GCR), a leading aggregator of IoT Solutions launches its ‘IoT PaaS Partner program’, a unique Franchise opportunity for System Integrators (SI) and Value-Added Resellers (VAR), with the intention of helping them upgrade their business by leveraging on GCR’s ready-to-use IoT solutions platform. GCR’s mission is to empower SIs and VARs to market and implement IoT solutions with the next generation distribution model. By signing up for the IoT PaaS program, SIs and VARs become a ‘GCR Assure Partner’ and are entitled to various franchising benefits.

‘In the current digital world, business transformation has become a norm and corporates are leveraging on advanced technologies like IoT and AI to increase productivity and reduce cost. However, many partners still lack the know-how to map an IoT solution as per a customer’s need, shortlist and implement it. Partners have come to us asking for a way to do this through an integrated system.’ elucidates Tony Tsao, Founder and CEO, GCR. He further explains - ‘It is this gap that we wish to address with our disruptive IoT PaaS Program. The way business is done today due to a focus on digitalization has changed. This is where we come into the picture. One of the biggest advantages of becoming a GCR Assure Partner is the access to our revolutionary IoT platform loaded with over 1000 SaaS solutions, a single source to all IoT needs. These solutions are Asset Tracking and management, Customer Behaviour Analytics, Industry 4.0, Intelligent Displays to name a few. By leveraging on this platform, GCR Assure partners can build their businesses and carve a new path to profitable growth. This program stands at strengthening our business model of embracing a shared economy for technology vendors and providing a model for customers to have experienced economy on the IoT solutions. All these initiatives will help customers transform hardcore Capex business model into Opex model that protect corporate investment in new technologies.’

The GCR Platform for IoT PaaS (Franchise) Partners is a comprehensive system that manages their channel business in entirety – managing partner accounts, sales, inventory, solution delivery and CRM.