CIOReviewIndia Team | Wednesday, 30 September 2020, 13:48 IST
To help SMBs build their digital presence and run seamlessly through the challenging economic environment, Google India has partnered with companies like Zoho, Instamojo and others to aid SMBs go digital.
The company's new initiative will focus on accelerating the efforts to help businesses build digital presence in partnership with Zoho and Instamojo will significantly aid in its effort to help consumers discover small businesses on Google search and maps.
Small businesses will be able to create websites using Zoho inventory and sell online through Zoho Commerce for free till March 31, 2021. Instamojo, on the other hand, is offering a six-month free subscription to its 'Premium Online Store Solution'.
Zoho inventory and sell online through Zoho Commerce for free till March 31, 2021, hence small businesses will be able to create websites. Whereas Instamojo will be offering a six-month free subscription to its premium online store solution.
"Today, the need to go digital is a necessity and SMBs are hard-pressed to digitise fast. We need to do everything we can to handhold millions of small businesses in their digital-transformation journey and support business recovery during the current crisis," Shalini Girish, Customer Solutions Director at Google India, told reporters in a virtual briefing.
Serving as a mass media program for SMBs to learn about the Internet and help them grow their business, Google will also be launching a new show in partnership with Doordarshan called Namaste Digital,
"The dramatic shift in consumer preference towards digital commerce has caught most of the small businesses off-guard with many of them struggling to win their customers back," he said.
"Small businesses are the backbone of Indian economy and a significant contributor to India's GDP. Given the current circumstances, our mission is more important than ever to unlock the potential of digital and Internet to startups and MSMEs in India," he added.
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