CIOReviewIndia Team | Friday, 21 February 2020, 09:56 IST
The election campaigning for the upcoming presidential elections in the US are already in full swing. Michael Bloomberg and Bernie Sanders of the Democratic Party are emerging as competitors for current President Trump who is from the Republican Party. As the world's second largest democracy is going to elect its president, curiosity about the role of social media and other technology platforms is rising for various reasons. In this year elections where President Trump is hoping to get re-elected, social media platforms will be observed very keenly especially due to allegations on Facebook and alleged involvement of the Russian Government in the last presidential elections. The misuse of social media for fake news campaigning against the opponents led to severe scrutiny of technology platforms including Twitter, Google, and other.
Aiming to Improve Transparency
The internet search giant Google is planning to implement the same framework in the US which it successfully tested in India's last general elections to fight the fake news campaigns and improve transparency in the upcoming US presidential elections. Google implemented strict measures which include enhancing transparency of advertisements, traceability of paid ads, continuously monitoring of maps to prevent vandalism in the 2019 Indian general elections. Google's frame for the last general elections in India the framework involved setting up a war room that tracked in real-time the movement of information across all Google platforms using Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Human Monitoring. “The work that we did during the India elections has become a gold standard for the rest of the world. The same framework was used for the European elections last year and will be used for the US elections in 2020,” said Saikat Mitra, director of Trust and Safety, Google India. “Misinformation-disinformation is a very concerning trend that is happening not just India, but all over the world... This is a big malice for the society. It's malice over the internet and it's malice for all the tech companies. It is a big issue,” said Mitra.
Along with Google, Facebook is also preparing itself to improve transparency and fight fake news in the upcoming US lections. Speaking at a Security Conference, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has said that they have a team of 35,000 people working precisely on content and security review, signifying the role of Facebook in the US elections that are going to be held in November this year.