cioreviewindia Team | Tuesday, 06 July 2021, 04:46 IST
The breed of the Norwegian Forest Cat is quite the unique one. Often seen in legends and fairy tales, they are said to be the cats that pulled the Norse goddess Freya’s chariot, and often referred to as “Skogkatt”. As it originated from Norway, a land where a lot of mythology, fairy tales and legends arise, it is a fitting title. Click here to read more about this.
Legend has it that they were giants in these stories, so much so that strong Norse gods like Thor could not lift them. They also go by the name “Wegie” in these parts. These are some of the strongest cats around, built to handle the harsh climates of Norway’s as well as it's rugged terrain. Their long hair, which is layered twice to give it a double coat adds protection to the animal’s body.
The fact that they are called “forest cats” is no surprise as they are fond of high places and climbing trees. It is a very good-looking cat and many pet owners keep them as their prized possessions. They have a proud walk that comes with it and oblique eyes, unlike very few other felines. It is a graceful, yet muscular cat.
It is possible that they were originally related to a certain feline from Turkey, and brought back to the mainland of Norway by Scandinavian warriors. Other literature states that they hail from Russia or are part of the Viking colonies. Whatever the case, these are unique felines that not everyone can get accustomed to. We look at their characteristics and mannerisms below.
This is a very laid-back cat and does get along with the majority of the other house pets such as dogs and other cats. They do however need a tremendous amount of attention and do not be left by themselves, as they get lonely pretty quickly. So as an owner of these beauties, it is essential to keep check of them when they are around the house and make sure they see you.
With strangers, they can be shy initially but after a few hours of being around new people, they tend to get used to them and then start craving attention from them too. Because they have that tendency of getting lonely, try not to keep your bedroom door closed or partition them between you and another room, they want to hear you and see you for the majority of the day.
This is a large cat no doubt and can carry more weight than you think, thus they like climbing trees and perching up there for hours. They can weigh up to 16+ pounds if not more for an adult version. Because of their long hair, they need to be combed frequently and held, which can be a bonus for when they need your attention – you can tackle two things at the same time. They can reach full growth in 5 years, and their lifespan can last till they are 16 years old.
As a natural occurrence, their double coating will shed in the appropriate seasons, so combing them will help them with this. A funny thing about them is that no matter how dry their coat or the rest of their body will be, their ears can remain waxy or oily. Due to this, you need to check their ears if they are oily, you should wipe them with some cotton wool dipped in a mix of warm water and cider vinegar in equal parts. But never use cotton swabs on the inside of their ears for the risk of damaging them. In winter their coats are a lot longer and fluffier, while in summer months after they have shed the majority of their hair, they can look almost naked.
These are generally very healthy moggy’s however they do have a tendency of catching some health conditions, for instance, a common heart ailment that affects is known as “hypertrophic cardiomyopathy”, in this condition their heart muscles would become thick, abnormally and makes it hard for their hearts to pump blood correctly: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, they can also have another genetic problem known as “eosinophilic granuloma complex”, which is a form of skin disease.
Although there are seldom any symptoms of this condition, it is important to make sure you look after your kitten and keep a keen eye on them when they are playing and running around the house or garden.
There have been a very minute number of cases wherein humans can cause shortness of breathing and pain in the chest as well as irregular heartbeats and in rare cases sudden death. In cats, however, this is a common health issue and the exact cause of which has yet to be found.
Check their breathing ever so often, if you do find any inconsistencies, seek help from your veterinarian immediately. In cases where they may have this problem, they could live up to a maximum of 18 months.
With children, the Norweigian cat breed can be one of the friendliest and most playful animals amongst other breeds, and this is why a lot of families with kids adopt them because their kids will give him all the attention he needs and more. He must be treated with respect and in a polite manner without picking him up too often or making him too active. Within controlled circumstances, they can be the best pet to have and can teach your children a thing or 2 about how to care for an animal.