How Blockchain Is Impacting Healthcare By CIOReviewIndia Team

How Blockchain Is Impacting Healthcare

CIOReviewIndia Team | Tuesday, 11 February 2020, 03:59 IST

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How Blockchain Is Impacting Healthcare

Blockchain implementations are crossing boundaries every day. The business ecosystem all over the world has slowly and steadily started to understand the effectiveness of using transparent and seamless systems for financial transactions and manage company data. However, the implementation of blockchain into the healthcare sector has proved to be very fruitful to many of the companies. Administrative bodies in US have decided to invest 20 percent of the GDP on healthcare and revolutionize the healthcare ecosystem with blockchain implementations.

Apart from same and secure transactions, blockchain is also said to have better grip over customer data that is primary to the healthcare communities. This can bring about a transformation as by analysis of customer data, predictions and future health conditions could be made and protection can be taken from an early stage. This process generally takes skilled labour to get accomplished but now the whole process will be under automation.

Benefits of Blockchain in Healthcare

Protection of patient data is one of the primary applications that blockchain will provide to healthcare. For a lot of healthcare organisations across the globe, protection and safe securing of patient data is a very important factor. In recent times, cyber threats have made these businesses very protective of customer health data because manipulation or miss application of that data can bring down serious health problems altogether. Blockchain has the capability to save the health data of customers and protect it from potential cyber threats.

What often happens with patients is that they end up investing in the wrong healthcare products and services owing to lack of information. If records are maintained through blockchain, the system will automatically omit the potential waste of money and streamline the treatment exactly according to the need of the patient.

 There are several other applications of blockchain in healthcare today. The medical data of a patient can only be presented in fragments which are a collection of reports and prescriptions documented separately. Blockchain can integrate one patient’s data into one file and put it on the cloud on display. That very file will be enough for any medical need of the patient and can very easily handed over to doctors and the required medical departments. It helps in the transparency of treatment, optimises treatment cost and facilitates smooth treatment of the patient. As the patient finishes any kind of treatment, the same gets recorded in the blockchain file and adds to the history of the patient.