How Important Are Online Reviews for an Employer Brand By CIOReview Team

How Important Are Online Reviews for an Employer Brand

CIOReview Team | Monday, 11 March 2019, 07:19 IST

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How Important Are Online Reviews for an Employer Brand

Be it customers or employees, online reviews about your organization play a huge role in decision making. Good online reviews of your brand not only help customers make their purchase decision, but are also important for your employer branding efforts online.

Today, online reviews have changed the face of employer branding, bridging the gap between word of mouth and trusted feedback from employees and ex-employees. Websites like Glassdoor focus solely on reviews about employees’ work experience, interview process, salary etc. The impact of online reviews on your employer branding is undeniable. But why is it so important? Let’s take a look at some reasons you must prioritize and take online employee reviews about your company seriously.

Online reputation matters to top talent

When potential employees do their research on your organization, perhaps the first step they’ll take is Google your name. What then shows up on search results is crucial to their first impression of your work culture. Because there are now websites that host thousands of employee reviews, they play a crucial role in an employee’s final decision of joining your company. So if you’re not paying much attention to reviews about you online, it can hurt your employer branding efforts in ways more than one.

Word-of-mouth branding

When employees leave positive reviews about your brand, potential recruits will form a favourable impression of your company. Even if they don’t end up at your organization, they will always view it as a good place to work. They might even go so far as to recommend working at your organization to friends and family, boosting your employer branding through word of mouth.

Increases employee engagement

While online employer reviews clearly influence potential hires, they can also influence the attitude of your current employees. When employees come across positive online reviews, they feel proud to be part of the organization and vice versa. In fact, online reviews also seem to influence employee expectations of how outsiders perceive the company. This becomes important when employees care about external opinions surrounding their organization, making reviews a critical part of employer branding.

Overall, potential and current employees view online reviews as a credible source of information than,say, HR awards or other PR activities. Thus, it makes sense for organizations to see them as a critical part of their employer branding efforts instead of ignoring them altogether.